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In the Embrace of the Shadow of Flowers monomad

The morning breeze whispers a whisper of spring in the ears of the leaves, and the dew drops, like pure pearls, shine on the skirts of the petals. In the meantime, a corridor full of freshness and greenery reveals an earthly paradise as if it is embraced by a ceiling of flowing flowers.


In the heart of this small paradise, there is a girl with a pleasant smile and eyes that sparkle with the passion of life and love for existence. It is as if nature itself is holding her in its arms and caressing her with all its beauty.
Her dress is simple and graceful, as if it is made of the breeze and petals. A long top and skirt with a white shirt showing off underneath, and sleeves that are rolled up to the elbows, portray freedom and tenderness. A delicate tuft sits on her head and her hair, like a stream of light, falls on her shoulders.

In his delicate hands, a book with the title "Nothing is as fresh as death" stands out. There is a deep philosophy hidden in this title, as if it is a reflection of this girl's searching soul in the world of existence. She enthusiastically turns the pages of the book and immerses himself in the world of thought and thought.
Her movements in this magical garden are like telling a story of poetry and music. Sometimes he stands and stares at the flowers with a smile on his face, sometimes she sits on the ground and delicately caresses the petals, and sometimes he leans on a chair placed in a corner of this earthly paradise and is absorbed in reading.
The photographer captures these pure moments with all the delicacy. It is as if every photo opens a door to the soul of this girl and her famous world. The simplicity of the frames doubles the depth of the meaning, and the light and shadow shine as beautifully as possible on this natural canvas.
I used the black and white theme to participate in the monomad daily challenge.
But when the photos turn to black and white, it is as if the veil of appearance is removed and the true beauty is revealed. In these black and white photos, there is no news of flowers and leaves, nor of the happy and joyful colors of nature. What remains are the two main elements of this story: the girl and the book.
In these photos, it is as if the spirit of this girl comes out of the photo frame and speaks to the audience with all her being. Her eyes are a window to the depths of his being and his smile tells a story of love for life and youthful passion.


These photos, beyond a normal photo collection, are a work of art in which philosophy and beauty are mixed together. It is as if the photographer, by hunting these pure moments, has made an effort to record the meaning of life and search for the truth.

Pics By @royaamirpanah

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