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Monomad: the most dangerous forest (Ekuku forest)

Hello beloved hivers in black and white platform happy new year, this is my first entry in this great community.

I am here to show and share with you all a short story about this dangerous forest.

Many years ago there was a forest called Ekuku forest, this was the most dangerous forest in our village, the whole village were in fear and some of them were like locking their children inside so that they will not even go close to the forest.
In that olden days accorrding to the story, our four four father's and mothers were surffering because of this forest because by then they were not be able to send their children to stream or firewood so that they will not enter into the Ekuku forest, all this they were trying to keep their traditional rules.

This evil tradition was so bad it pit people on captive making people to surfer and also living in bondage, some of them run older than their age.
To cut it short, there was so many trees that always turn dry and mainly for people to cut firewood like there was alot of firewood in the forest which people would have used to sell and have what to eat and also put their children to school but because of tradition that stop them not to go in to the forest, this forest is a very big land that people would have farm in. There was this guy called Saviour he was the one that God used to asked the old men and women's prayer.

Now your question is who was this guy Saviour?

Saviour was 32years old and he was the only son of our village king, he was not around he normally lives with his mother according to the story the penalty for those who enter into this forest shall be killed into the forest after taking to the market square necket, so all the people were pleaded the king to release the forest for them to go in aleast fetch firewood but the king Said no, (No one should step into the forest or else.)
One day Saviour came back to the village to visit his father, he did not know what is going on in the village, he came back by 5pm, so he decided to have some rest then in the morning he will have some conversation with his father and his father also asked him to have some rest too because of the stress and the road trafics.
So Soviour woke up in the morning and stated cleaning up the environment after that he decided to cook for his father, the worst part of it is there is no firewood for him to cook, hmmmmmmm he went out to fatch firewood he probably enter into the forest and he started to cut some tree that was dry, after cutting for like two of them, one man saw him and rush to the town crier and asked him to announce to the whole village that the king's son have entered into the Ekuku forest, immediately he announced, the boys entered and carry him to the market square after the king heard about that he rush to the market and surmon everybody to the palace, everybody moved down to his palace and the king pleaded on behalf of his son that they should not killed him, the people answered (is either we killed him as our tradition deman or you release the forest for us to go in) and the king said instead of that i will release the forest for everyone of you and your entire generation to benefit from, everyone was so surprised,
The king step out and announced that the Ekuku forest have been release right from today, everybody should go and farm in and also fatch firewood in, ohh all the people in the village was so happy that the lord has used Saviour to save the land.
Since then our village were no more in bondage the have their own portion of land to farm for free, till this present generation, we live a good life, free life, and happy life, now Our Ekuku forest is no more a forest but it is a farm land.✌️✌️✌️ What a wonderful story, this is the story about our village forest.

Thank you all for reading through my blog

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