Monomad Tree Tuesday | HiveBloPoMo Day 12

April 12 of HiveBloPoMo and the prompt is - GivingTuesday - a random act of kindness TreeTuesday


Yup, changed it! I am not going out much these days, so no random acts of kindness. Although, they can also happen online. In fact, I remember last year when I just started out playing Splinterlands and I had a bit of back and forth in one of the gaming discord servers trying to figure things out. Folks were really helpful, I learned a lot. Then when I went to play later that evening - surprise! I had received a gift from one of the peeps I had chatted with earlier. They gave me a promo card, a level 1 Delwyn Dragonscale summoner of the Dragon Splinter. That was really awesome!

But I'm no longer in that Discord and I can't remember who gave me the card. I simply cannot keep up with being in so many Discord servers. Every now and then I have to go through and leave some, otherwise I would find no time at all to be creative or post here on Hive.


So instead of a random act of kindness I am going to be focusing in this post on #TreeTuesday and I will be posting it in the first Community here on Hive that I joined and have neglected since August last year: Black & White . Mea culpa.

Now let's move on and talk about trees. It seems like I have quite the fascination with them because I filtered my Lightroom catalog for 'tree' and 2243 photos = about 2 % of my photos are tagged with 'tree'. Hmm, I would have expected that percentage to be higher, I can only assume that I got sloppy with my keywording.

Do you keyword your photos? How do you organize them?

Still, I have a lot of tree photos and if you count their bark, roots and leaves I am sure there'd be even more. But in this post I am not going to focus on those but rather ask you to

Look up!

All of these photos are a few years old and it seems like at that point I had a bit of an obsession trying to photograph them from a frog's eye view.

Or possibly I was just trying out the new wide-angle lens I got at the time - photo on the right - into which I also placed the little figurines on the bark climbing up the big, tall tree - LOL. For a while, these two little guys would pop up in a lot of my photos. I have to see if I can find them.



And then this photo below was taken with a Lensbaby, a tilt shift lens that can be a bit tricky to get the right focus but it produces the most beautiful bokeh. And we all know that

I am a bokeh junkie!


I thought that all of these pictures would lend themselves very well to black and white to not be distracted by colors and further lead attention to the sheer size of these trees and the details of their bark and branches.




But not all of these photos were taken with my DSLR and pro(ish) lenses, some of them were shot with my iPhone 5 - yup, that's right a phone camera eight iPhone generations old. I was very happy with the phone and photos back then and I still think they're not half bad.

So, keep taking those photos with whichever camera you have with you!


Oh, and also -

This is my entry for the daily #monomad challenge by @monochromes



Unless otherwise noted, copyright for all photos, dividers and gifs ©Oceanbee|ImagesByCW

However, the blog dividers you see all over this post is up for grabs!

If you like you may use it in your own posts, no need to credit or tag. Enjoy!

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