| MONOMAD | That village cries


In a town whose name I don't want to remember, between the cities of Havana and Matanzas, Cuba, I had the feeling that everything was crying.

I don't know how to explain it. It is that cry of things alone, almost abandoned to their fate. Maybe when we go a little further in this publication you will feel the same as I felt when I was there. Anyway, I think it might be a good opportunity to return to the #Monomad Challenge, after a while without posting my black-and-white photos in this Community. So, this is my entry.

We arrived early in the morning, the atmosphere was very quiet and the park was almost pitifully lonely.

This is a fishing village... Wait a moment, I need you to see first this view of the park and its two back stairs that seem to be holding hands.

I saw a nice composition as I stood there, at a lower level of the landscape. The park was more visible and its scruffy trees also had a bit more prominence in the frame.

I thought that when it rains the water surely runs with tremendous force down those adjacent streets to meet there at the foot of the stairs and wash it all down to the sea.

However, that day the sky was clear, so it surely wouldn't rain any time soon.

One only had to turn around to see the first hint that we were in a fishing village.


Looking at it closely I wondered why the sculpture was in such bad shape. I know this city suffered the onslaught of a very severe weather event that occurred months ago, but, after all this time, doesn't anyone care about that fish?

I take pity on him and decide to approach the scruffy trees because I hadn't noticed Las Carolinas until that moment, and maybe a flower could get him to regain the mood I had lost.

The good news is that Las Carolinas reminds me of my childhood. The bad news is that this tree only has one or two flowers, so I figured it's also a survivor.


I went down the other side of the road, which forked, in search of the boats and found this panorama. Once again I felt pity.


I was over there, taking some detail shots and my team and I decided to walk around a bit. I should tell you that I was on assignment as a photojournalist.


When I left home I forgot to eat breakfast. We had to drive several kilometres to get to this little town. Around 9 a.m. the driver and I were very hungry and this place with its banner of a menu was calling out to us with desperate cries... of silence. See how lonely it was.

Of course, I bought those three little bags of soy yoghurt, which I was surprised were sold to anyone who wanted to buy them, because they are normally sold by supply card in specific establishments and are only for children.

The rest of what was on the banner was lunch food. We didn't see anything light for our already roaring stomachs.


We went down to the beach and there were only a few stray dogs hanging around.


This one here had had a great night, because he had not yet woken up from the hangover, and the sun was beating down on him a bit. However, I didn't want to disturb him and walked very carefully so as not to make the slightest noise.

We stayed a while longer, doing interviews, and other photos for that job, until we decided to continue the trip to a nearby town where there is also a pier.

I took this photo below from the moving car.

There were people in a long line, I guess, to get some product for the supply card, but this girl with her baby I think had already gotten their purchase.


In the other village, this guy was on his way to the jetty, which is very rustic. I asked him what he was doing with that line and he said he was stretching it, preparing his tackle for an upcoming catch. From the thickness of the line, it looked like they were expecting something big.


We went down and saw a few fishermen, but we didn't want to disturb them. They were talking about boats and how to repair a crack in one of them.


The landscape of the two places was also full of cracks. Would it be possible to fix it? My head kept spinning at the cry of these small towns. Maybe I didn't see everything I needed to see because of the rush we were in there. Maybe I got the wrong impression entirely.


But this vessel had a name. Something we can never lose: Hope.


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Vote la-colmena for witness
By @ylich

Original content (text and photos), by @nanixxx

My Social Media Icons by Icons8

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Contenido original (texto y fotos), por @nanixxx

Íconos de mis Redes Sociales by Icons8

Todos los derechos reservados ©, 2023.





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