My Entry Monomad Challenge #359 ~ a portrait of the life of the Rohinya ethnic group in a temporary place.

Hello Hiver in Black And White Community

My entry this time is some pictures of black and white Photos


Disputes and riots in a place make some residents become victims of conflict. Even though the residents did not take part in the conflict. However, residents always become victims and suffer.

So, residents must leave their residence to another place, safe from an incident. They must be willing to leave everything behind.

Of course, they feel frustrated, sad and angry about what should not happen in their lives. However, this was all fate. They are sad because of the situation. Their children cannot study at school due to a dispute between two groups.

They had to leave and evacuate to save their lives from various aspects of the impact of riots between groups. Just like what happened to the Rohingya ethnic group. They had to leave to find a safer place.

So, here I share several photos of the Rohingya ethnic group who sailed from Bangladesh and were stranded in Indonesian waters. They were stranded because their boat/ship drifted and ended up on our shores.






Pertikaian dan kerusuhan di suatu tempat membuat sebagian warga menjadi korban dari pertikaian. Meskipun warga tidak ikut dalam sebuah pertikaian. Namun, selalu saja warga menjadi korban dan menderita.

Maka, warga harus pergi meninggalkan tempat tinggalnya ke tempat yang lain, aman dari sebuah peristiwa. Mereka harus rela meninggalkan semuanya.

Rasa frustasi, sedih dan marah tentunya terhadap apa yang seharusnya tidak terjadi dalam kehidupan mereka. Namun, ini semua sudah takdir. Mereka bersedih karena keadaan. Anak-anak mereka tidak bisa belajar disekolahnya akibat sebuah pertikaian antar dua kelompok.

Mereka harus pergi dan mengungsi untuk menyelamatkan nyawa mereka dari berbagai aspek imbas dari kerusuhan antar kelompok. Seperti halnya yang terjadi pada etnis rohingya. Mereka harus pergi untuk mencari tempat yang lebih aman.

Nah, disini saha membagikan beberapa foto tentang etnis rohingya yang berlayar dari banglades dan terdampar di perairan Indonesia. Mereka terdampar akibat perahu/kapal mereka terhayut dan terdampar di pantai kami.



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