Beautiful afternoons for photographing landscapes, my entry to today's Monomad Challenge.

I have already mentioned that I'm liking landscapes in black and white more and more, so here's a new series of pictures that I took a couple of weeks ago, the truth is that today I was drinking some beers to relax from the stress of the whole week, I started listening to heavy metal and nu metal on Youtube, everything was great and while editing I ended up creating a new preset for my collection, a much more contrasted one than what I usually edit.


This is the image with which I created the preset, it is not the first image that I took that day, but it is the image that I decided to work with, after creating the preset I applied it to the other photographs and made some extra adjustments in each one of the photographs, I present them below.



This area is located on the outside of the city, on the way to the Aguamilpa dam, and the mountain we see in the background is called Picachos.


I couldn't do a post without the photo of the road, you know I like to see those lines that lead the eyes.


This is the second photo that I took in the same place as in the cover photo of the post, the truth is that I liked the first one better, I just wanted you to see that when I see a place that I like, I take more than one picture because you never know which one will look better in the end.


That afternoon the light was perfect, I would have liked to have a similar light in the Picachos mountain photos, but to get something similar I would have to go in the morning because of the position of the sun, I guess I can't always be lucky.


And as the hot season was coming, so were the fires, luckily in some areas people create controlled fires to avoid major disasters, that's why I took this picture, because we can see the area that was burned for this purpose.

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