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Fathers also need love ❤️


Odalis, Alexis & Mikhalis many police officers in the U.S. has un- alive many fathers because of the bitter baby mothers who refuses to let fathers see their children.

I will never put you or myself in harms way. The system doesn't play fair and these police officers will do anything to used their authority & white supremacy to challenge any fathers who dare to be with their children lives.

So your mother has used this power against me for 7 years by blocking me on Facebook, Whatsapp and then say I never wanted to be around you all.

She's a liar and the truth is not in her. Your mother has done more harm to me, hurt, pain, disappointment, setbacks, and more.

Gloria Kokoma Onwionoko( Gloria Styles ) and her family and friends know the truth about her where about, your living conditions, where you attend school and who's around you when she leaves the house. But she consistently over and over refuse me access to you all. So how does that make you my children feel?

As your father since I have not seen years all this time. I was lead to write this message to you. So everyone will know the truth that I have always was here waiting to see if you write me or look for me since she knows the system is bias and will never grant my wish to be present in your life. But I will continue to fight and pray for you and me. I love y'all until we meet again.🔥🙏🔥🙏🔥
I felt bad when I came across this messages on my Facebook wall, I felt bad and I weep for my friend. And here is what I wrote back to him

It might be true that you can’t change what happened that has left you feeling bitter. You can’t, for example, undo being in an accident or get back the promotion that your colleague won instead.

Bitterness not only causes symptoms of trauma like sleeplessness, fatigue, and lack of libido. It can also, in the long-term, lead to low self-confidence, negative personality shifts, and an inability to have a healthy relationship again.

She knew you were about greatness and destiny, but she took advantage of you because she knew you really loved her. She took your kindness for weakness.....

Above all, money is the root of all evil.
Money has destroyed lots of beautiful marriages especially ladies without the fear of God almighty

There is no “rule” that says you have to forgive the person who betrayed you in such a horrible way.

There is no reason you have to forgive the “mistake” of someone else when it does you (and your family if you have children together) such emotional (and perhaps physical,.

The simple fact is this: we teach people how to treat us by letting them get away with shit like cheating. Yup, that’s what I said - if you “forgive” you’re letting them know they can cheat on you, betray your relationship, and there will be no consequences.

Your children will definitely locate you and come back to you someday.
Your only mistake I see here was that you should have done your findings very well before allowing your physical body to take away your sense of reasoning for her.
If She's a Nigeria, I would say that she planned this whole thing from the onset with her family along. And this plan must have been in her for a very long time, but you may not see that coming because your love for her was more than the like she has for you..

I tell you this, sir
If truly She's wicked to take away your children from you because of the law in your state, she will never find happiness in another relationship 💯. Karma is real. She will face it. I pray she's not a Nigeria lady because a lot of Nigeria ladies can't do such things. They are only a few greedy lady's that can do such in Nigeria. God bless you, sir. I love following your page.

Many fatger out there are seriously in this kind of mess . I pray God almighty keep given them the strength to see through


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