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Life in black and white - monomad challenge

Skyline, Miami, Florida

I read a post here that inspired me to explore perspectives and emotions in photography a bit deeper. Why do some photos just look so much better or have that much more impact when in black and white? How does the type of treatment used impact the image’s overall feel and emotion?

Two quotes about black and white photography caught my attention. Jason Peterson said:

Black and white photography takes time out of the equation

Banyan Tree, Waikiki, HI

And part of Ted Grant’s quote reads:

…when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls.

Self Portrait

I believe these perfectly sum up the unique qualities that black and white photography imparts on images. The photos almost become timeless, deeper, more soulful. There is not the extraneous distraction of color and what is left is the core message of an image or a subject. I also feel that black and white photos resonate with more people and it is unencumbered by societal norms and definitions of what is acceptable and what is beautiful.

Sunset over the Pacific

Contrary to popular belief, black and white doesn’t necessarily equate to gloom and history. Because with the absence of physical color, the intrinsic character of the subject takes clearer shape and invites the viewer into a deeper inspection.

Pounding Waves, Sharks’ Cove, Hawaii

Personally? My favorite is black and white photography’s uncanny ability to render an image or a memory as timeless. It is simultaneously showing the past, the present, and the future seamlessly. It evokes a feeling of longevity and agelessness. A gift for when everything else seems to change so quickly.

A girl with her dolls

Thank you for reading! I welcome any and all feedback.

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