Monomad challenge || Kids at play

Playing is one of the best time for kids.

One day, kids have given time to go out from the four corners of their classroom and explore a new place near to us - the Polomolok Pet Empire.

It has a lot of pet there where kids enjoy watching and naming them. But kids most enjoyed and spend more time at their children's playground. They have slides, swing and seesaw.

My son's most favorite is on the swing. He loves swinging. He sing songs while swinging and you can see the happiness in his face. He spend most of his time there while we were there.

Here he is with his other two classmates. They're holding on tightly in order for them not to fall. They enjoyed swinging and they were trying to swing it together. While swinging they recall counting numbers as they count one, two, three and so on while swinging to and fro.

They stop, play with their classmates, they run as they could, go to slide and go and try the seesaw too. We told them not to play in the slides because it is not safe as the elevation is so high and the distance from the slide to the ground is quite long not suitable on their age.

Here they are on the seesaw, enjoying and learning about up and down. Experiencing a feeling that there seems a butterfly in their stomach as the seesaw goes down.

From the seesaw, my son go back again on the swing with another set of his classmates. Here his classmates and my son shares in one swing. They were so happy but they just swinging a little enough to swing them to and fro.

The other child is brave enough to stand on the swing. But we reminder him to be careful and hold tightly.

Lastly, they were running toward the wide open field. I requested them to pose for a picture so they will have a remembrance on that place as well as with their friends or classmates.

I also asked them to jump and I will take a picture of them. We tried many times and here are some of the pictures I got.

This last one looks perfect as all of them jumped all together.

We are so thankful having a good and great day. The weather was good that time as the sky was decorated with beautiful clouds.

Kids love playing. Let us give them time to play and while they are playing, we could also integrate learning.

Playing with them is also the best way to have a special time with them, a quality time. It could be the best moment they could remember when they grow.

I played with my son on the seesaw that day.

This is my first entry for the #monomad challenge. I hope you enjoy my Black and White photography.

Thank you so much for being here. It is well appreciated. I hope to see you again soon.

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