Picture-Based Children's Game

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My little girl's favorite holiday activity is this picture-based children's game. A game devised by local inhabitants utilizing styrofoam corks with various sketches of the most recognized cartoon characters among children. In my opinion, the owner of this children's game is quite familiar with the characteristics that children like, and the location of this game is ideal because it is in the open air.

Alright, now it's time to share the moment when my little girl was having fun with this picture-based game, and a picture of a bee was one of the choices. These pictures are also my entries for the #monomad challenge hosted by @monochromes. Hopefully useful and entertained of course!

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Thanks for taking the time. This pictures taken with Canon EOS 6D camera + 50mm Lens.

By: @ichsannanda (nandaalbintang).

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