Amongst the Kyrgyz people #monomad challenge

Amongst the Kyrgyz People.jpg

Under the arch we go, it is welcoming us in the languages of Kyrgyz and russian, "as sponsored by coca cola". This is Osh Market in Bishkek the capital of Kyrgyzstan


Two places I try to visit when in a new country which not only gives me a buzz, but an insight into the lives of the people who walk or have walked the streets and roads. one is the graveyard, the other the market.

Today we are amongst the living.


and happy so to be, people watching and people snapping is a joy, so come walk with me amongst the Kyrgyz people.


Alas snaps cannot portray the full sensual overload experienced in this place, the shouting, the smells the sometimes claustrophobic atmosphere.
Love it.


The Kyrgyz Republic. Some stuff.

Kyrgyzstan has a population of just over 7 million, of which just under a million live in and around the capital city Bishkek

Just over a third populate urban areas.

The median age in Kyrgyzstan is 25 years.



The total land area is 174,054 sq. miles.
The Kyrgyz Republic does not have a navy


Just under 75% of people in the Republic are ethnic Kyrgyz, 6% are russian, and 15% Uzbeks


There are other minority groups too within the population, including descendants from Korea and the Volga German republic, whose forefathers were deported by stalin in the 1930's



The ak-kalpak, traditional male hats, worn as a badge of honour and to distinguish themselves as Kyrgyz from other ethnic groups.


Designed it is said to reflect the snow-capped peaks of mountainous Kyrgyzstan. The hat has four sides to represent the four elements, the tassels hang in memory of ancestors and the embroidered motifs symbolise a family tree.


Since 2017, Kyrgyzstan has celebrated March 5th as "National Ak-kalpak day".



The younger generation seem to prefer to go hat free, whilst the older ladies are mostly adorned in bright traditional headscarves





BUT as we are shooting in Mono, you will have to take my word for i!!!


Babushka, she was only about 4ft 6" tall bless her, out looking for her staple food stuffs, Love her wellies




The indigenous Kyrgyz have historically been semi-nomadic herders, living in round tents called yurts and tending sheep, horses and yaks. It still continues today, the market attracts not only the city dweller but those from further afield visiting for supplies










The main religion in the Republic is islam, just under 90% are followers, a more relaxed muslim, none of those degrading subjugating heavy black robes and face coverings for the ladies here; just a simple plain headscarf.

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Thanks for visiting my page, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. this is Stephen aka, @grindle, happily retired, travelling the world snapping away. My weapon of choice is currently a Nikon Z6(2). Unless stated all images are shot by me, all text is mine based on various info sources. NOT AI generated. If you like my blog, it would be very much appreciated if you upvote and follow me. Also please feel free to drop a comment.


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