|Monomad|~ Friends, portraits and good vibes.[EN-ES]

Friends, portraits and good vibes.
Original Image by @xerox94, edit by @ersusoficial

With this post I want to share some portraits that I have taken with my friends when they come to visit me. I also take the opportunity to participate in #monomad.

Con esta publicación quiero compartir algunos retratos que he realizado a mis amigos cuando vienen a visitarme. Además aprovecho para participar en #monomad.

To begin with, I will start with photos of my closest friends, making a brief presentation of them and telling how I met them. Let's get started:

Para empezar, comenzaré con fotos de los amigos más cercanos a mi haciendo una breve presentación de ellos y contando como los conocí. Empecemos:


Friends, portraits and good vibes.
My Original Image @ersusoficial

Friends, portraits and good vibes.
My Original Image @ersusoficial
I present to you my friend from adolescence Othoniel, we met when I moved to the city where I currently live, since then we have been inseparable

Les presento a mi amigo de la adolescencia Othoniel, nos conicimos cuando me mude a la ciudad donde vivo actualmente, desde entonces somos inseparables.


Friends, portraits and good vibes.
My Original Image @ersusoficial
Friends, portraits and good vibes.
My Original Image @ersusoficial
Jelvys @mowgl1ph in the previous photos, we met when we were doing the university entrance exam; What we didn't know was that we were going to spend 5 years sitting next to each other at the same desk.

En las anteriores fotos aparece Jelvys @mowgl1ph nos conocimos cuando haciamos el examen de ingreso a la univercidad; lo que nosabiamos era que ibamos a pasar 5 años sentados uno al lado del otro en el mismo pupitre.


Friends, portraits and good vibes.
My Original Image @ersusoficial
Friends, portraits and good vibes.
My Original Image @ersusoficial
Julio, I met him while he was at university, he is a good friend of Jelvys, they had previously studied together. We met at one of those university parties..., and the friendship became stronger and stronger, so much so that today we are the best of friends.

Julio (@xeros94), a él lo conocí mientras cursaba en la universidad, es muy amigo de Jelvys, habían estudiado junto previamente. Nos conocimos en una de esas fiestas universitarias…, y la amistad se hizo cada vez mas fuerte, tanto que hoy somos de los mejores amigos.


Friends, portraits and good vibes.
My Original Image @ersusoficial
Friends, portraits and good vibes.
Original Image by @xerox94, edit by @ersusoficial
This is Nicole, she is Julio's girlfriend and, therefore, that's how I met her. Little by little I got to know her better until she became friends with her, and to this day we are like family. Those three people I just showed you are my closest circle of friends, the family I chose.

Ella es Nicole, es novia de Julio y, por ende, así fue como la conocí. Poco a poco fui conociéndola mejor hasta que se convirtió en amiga, y al día de hoy somos como familia. Esas tres personas que les acabo de mostrar son mi circulo de amistad mas cercano, la familia que escogí.


I have many more friends and without a doubt, many more portraits of them, but that's a topic for another post hahaha. For today I think that's fine, I hope you enjoy this publication as much as I enjoy making it and remembering the moments I lived with my friends; and all that we need to live.

Tengo muchos mas amigos y sin dudas, muchos más retratos de ellos, pero eso es tema para otra publicación jajaja. Por hoy creo que así está bien, espero disfruten esta publicación tanto como yo disfrute haciéndola y rememorando los momentos que viví con mis amigos; y todo lo que nos falta por vivir.


The End | El Fin.

I took the image used as a separator between the different texts and images from @hivecuba, I hope you don't mind.

La imagen que use de separador entre los diferentes textos e imágenes lo tome de @hivecuba, espero no se moleste.


Technical information and social networks:

PhotographyFriends, portraits and good vibes.
Location PhotoCuba (Pinar del Río City)
Camera usedNikon D70
LensNikon DX AF-S NIKKOR 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6G


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