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Monomad | When Entomologist Join Our Gotong Royong on Friday 😊

Hello everyone who loves #photography..

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge..

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by the Dengue virus that is transmitted through mosquito bites. It causes symptoms of high fever, low platelets, headache, and bone and muscle pain. If not treated appropriately, dengue fever is life-threatening. Recently, this disease has affected two residents around my office. Therefore, to prevent the disease from spreading through mosquito bites, we took the initiative to do Gotong Royong as a preventive measure.

Gotong Royong is Work Together

Gotong Royong is the Indonesian language that is part of an ancient culture that continues to exist to this day in Indonesia. In terms of translating the term Gotong Royong into English, there is almost no word or term that would be appropriate. In contrast, Work Together is close to the truth, while mutual cooperation, mutual assistance, and mutual help are a bit further away. Thus, Gotong Royong is an essential part of Indonesian culture and is seen as an important part of national identity. It is a symbol of togetherness and cooperation that is unique to Indonesian culture and is a display of solidarity and mutual respect among its people.

Well, in this Gotong Royong, we involved several officers from the health department who are also called Entomologists. They provided us with additional knowledge about handling and preventing the spread of this disease. As part of their cooperation, they will clean a number of places that are suspected to be breeding grounds for Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. On top of that, they will also perform fogging by fumigating areas that are humid, and watery, and other areas that are deemed to be inhabited by these mosquitoes.

What is the Entomoligist?

Truthfully, I was unaware that there is an Entomologist word. In simple terms, we only refer to fogging officers and health workers. And I felt curious so I looked up what an entomologist is. Finally, I understood that the Entomologist profession is someone who has knowledge/expertise about insects. Thus, the development of language is increasing day by day. Today, digital technology has brought the world even closer and more connected. In the end, many new words are born and in turn, some people may not understand the sentence as a whole, such as "Entomologist.".

After getting some explanations, we started by praying first, and then changing clothes to do gotong royong. Health workers (entomologists and friends) began fogging. I documented some of their activities from making mosquito killer concoctions and setting up the fogging machine. They are also walked from the back of the office, through it, and to the front. I took some photos and videos of the process to document the activities that were taking place. The health workers were very helpful in explaining what they were doing and why it was important. It was a great experience to see their passion and commitment to protecting the public from mosquito-borne illnesses.

Prevention is better than cure, right? an adage that we have heard very often, but sometimes in its application we are more often negligent until we finally have to seek treatment and end up with infusion in the hospital. In fact, prevention costs nothing but we are usually more interested in paying for health itself. This is because we underestimate the importance of preventive care and overlook potential health issues until it is too late. Preventing illnesses from occurring can ultimately save us both time and money in the long run.

It had been almost two hours since we had done this Gotong Royong and the Entomologist said goodbye since he had completed his task and would be working in the nearby houses. Our collaboration was wonderful, and we gained many benefits and new insights into entomology. As the smoke spread throughout the office, we also took a short break and interspersed it with small jokes to break the tension. Thank you, Entomologist.

I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. I would appreciate some corrections from you in the future for being good content creators, please feel free to comment below. Some of my images maybe not qualify the rules of #photography. I'm still learning. Thank you Black And White Community. supported by @monochromes. Blessing

My warmest regard: @elchaleefatoe15
Camera Resource: Canon 800D
Location: Calang, Aceh Jaya, Indonesia

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