Self Quarantine Photography - Monomad


Yesterday I woke up feeling like I aged 50 years and I can basically describe it as an extreme fatigue. As we had a positive test in the family one day earlier I knew that it had finally gotten to me as well. So starting from yesterday I started my self quarantine.
Yesterday was a long day, and I was really hoping it would be better today. When I woke up I still felt tired, but a lot better then yesterday. I had hoped to get out this week to do some photography and I was a bit bummed out about that. So what should I post about now I thought ? Well since I can’t leave my home I started looking for something interesting in my house. When I get into this mode I start looking at things differently and that is what happened when I saw my IKEA lamp with a fresh perspective.


It’s a paper lamp that was really cheap, I think I bought it for 6 dollars or something like that. Like most IKEA furniture it came in a flat pack but contrary to other products there was not an exact manual of how to “assemble it”. Instead it was up to me to try to shape the paper sheets so that it would look good, and I really liked that about the product because it makes each lamp unique and slightly different. Anyways, as I was searching for different angles to shoot I realized it’s actually a pretty neat lamp with a lot of interesting details.


As the paper sheets overlaps you get different shades as the light illuminates through.


From different angles the lamp take on a completely different look and that is also something I like about it, it seems there is always some new detail you haven’t seen before.


I found that the most interesting photos were the ones where there was empty space so that you could see the silhouette.


This one is one of my favorites. There’s a nice balance between the white and black and there is a nice transition from light that slowly fades into grey and then gets absorbed by the black background.

Today was interesting, I showed myself that if you’re determined you can still do what you want, just not the way you thought you would, but that’s okay as long as you still enjoy the process.

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