My Entry to the #Monomad Challenge: A Street Photography Adventure in the MRT

So, I was supposed to head out and explore the city today, just wander around and soak in the vibes.


But, as luck would have it, my timing was totally off. Right when I was about to step out, the sky opened up, and it started pouring... like, heavy rain with no end in sight. So, with my outdoor plans washed away, I had no choice but to switch gears and do some photography inside the MRT.


It’s Sunday, so naturally, the place is buzzing with people, packed to the brim. Everyone’s moving in and out of the transit, in their own world, going about their day.


And you know what? In a weird way, it turned out to be the perfect chance for me to practice my street photography skills, which, by the way, I find pretty challenging.


Here’s why: When you’re shooting on the street, you have zero control over your subjects. It’s not like shooting buildings or architecture, where everything stays perfectly still and you can take your sweet time finding the right angle.


With people, I can’t exactly ask them to pose, and I don’t have the luxury of adjusting myself to get the perfect shot. So, it’s all about being in the right place at the right time, and sometimes just getting lucky. I’ve gotta hit that shutter button at the exact moment when the subject is in my frame, and I can only hope the shot turns out decent. No do-overs, no retakes. If it’s a bust, I just move on and start hunting for the next interesting scene.


And that’s the thing; street photography is like this constant search for something cool to capture. That’s what makes it so tricky. Sure, I can plan ahead, think about the kind of scene I want to shoot, and pick a spot where I think it might happen. But even the best-laid plans can go sideways. Sometimes, nothing plays out the way I imagined, and I end up with shots that don’t match what I had in mind.


Another thing that gets me every time is this worry that people will notice me snapping pictures and get annoyed. It’s not like I’m expecting anyone to start a fight or anything, but the looks they give... those frowns... can be enough to make me uncomfortable.


My go-to move when that happens? I just turn around and walk away. I’m not about to get into it with anyone over a photo. I’d rather keep the peace, even if it means walking away empty-handed. Gotta love that, right? LOL.


But, hey, today’s street photography session turned out okay! I managed to snag nine decent photos for the #monomad challenge, and the best part? No drama, no trouble. I’m calling that a win! I hope you’ll enjoy checking out my entry for today.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


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