My entry to the #monomad challenge: "Historic buildings in black-and-white images"

I've been browsing the winning photos in the recent Monomad curation posts and was inspired by the beautiful photography of the other contributors to the #monomad tag. Black-and-white photography evokes a distinct sense of nostalgia in me, sparking my interest in honing my photography skills. I understand that photography is a craft that requires time and practice; it takes countless attempts before my eyes can discern the perfect angle to capture a scene’s true beauty.

What makes a photographer unique is their ability to see the world differently through their lens. They don’t view a scene as an ordinary person would. Instead, they find ways to align themselves and angle the camera to reveal a perspective that might go unnoticed by someone simply admiring the view.

With this in mind, whenever I go out to take photos, I consciously try to find angles and views I wouldn't normally consider. It's a process of trial and error until I either feel comfortable with the shot or discover its hidden beauty.

It's a progressive learning journey, and I continuously encourage myself to keep practicing until I learn something new.

Observation is another crucial aspect of my learning. There's a lot to gain from simply watching how others work. When I study the work of other photographers, I often try to "reverse engineer" their process and emulate their techniques. While this may not always result in an original masterpiece, it helps me understand the rationale behind their methods.

This approach aids in the learning process, though it may not immediately help in developing my style. That being said, I believe that with enough practice and experience, I will eventually cultivate a unique photographic style of my own.

The journey of honing my photography skills through the inspiration of the #monomad tag has been both challenging and rewarding. By continuously practicing and observing the techniques of others, I am steadily progressing towards capturing unique and beautiful perspectives. With dedication and perseverance, I am confident that I will develop my distinctive photographic style.

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