
wanna get away
climb a mountain feel wind and forget
drive forever and sleep in the car and wake up here
wanna cry on the sky and tell it my secrets
sing it my sorrows
run on its clouds
swallow its rain
wanna shout to a wall of mountains
reaffirm in a simple, single echo


wanna breathe in
and in
and in
and in
until my lungs become sails and I take to the air float away far away

far away from the parts still stuck on the old
wanna sit still and stare out at the inland sea that isn't me
for once
and anymore
wanna go
wanna fly
wanna free
wanna feel

wanna come?

say yes

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge, held daily in the Black and White Community.
Wanna give it a try?

YouTube Channel
instagram: @se_pdx_crows
Art in NFT Showroom that I guess people will buy after all who knew👀
a percentage of this post's rewards goes back to support the community

All the stuff (pictures, words, wants, etc.) I put in this post and any of my other posts is mine (unless otherwise stated) and can't be used by anyone else unless I say it's ok.

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