Perseid Love Letter

Dear ______ ,

God how I miss you. If only you were here with me now, sitting lakeside, sipping beers, eating junk food after a long hike. Pilot in your lap, his paws on your breasts while he gazes into your eyes, happy hippo smile splitting his face in half. Me balancing jealousy with the ecstatic swelling of the heart over the gratitude in the realization that we are all three of us madly in love.


After our beers maybe you can teach me to kayak. Or SUP board. If you do those things. Or maybe you have a rowboat that we strapped to the roof of my landship. We'll put in, poles and oars and little dog, and fish past twilight. Cook our rainbow dinner by lantern. Or firelight.

I don't mind having a campfire if I have someone to share it with.


And what about lovemaking? There's that big bench by the water's edge. I'll bring a blanket. We'll twist and tangle in secret sex with clothes on, stars falling all around us. We'll laugh two days later about the spots the mosquitoes still managed to find.

I don't think the neighbors will hear us. Not over the current of wind through canopy of pines. The subtle song of sleepy frogs. The chorus of crickets.


If you were here...

If you were here we could smile at each other over the fire. Talk softly of places and things still needing to be experienced and fuck getting old. Fill our souls with wonder and excitement about the future, wonder and excitement that are amplified exponentially by the owl's throaty screech echoing across the water. We'll turn our faces away from the fire and up to the stars. To the Milky Way dripping through gaps in the redwood giants. We'll scoot closer together. Hold hands. Make plans for a trip to the bitter cold north, where we'll glide across a frozen lake on skated feet, arm in arm under the electrified aurora borealis sky.


And I.


I miss you.

Who are you?


When are you coming home?

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