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Hey Mark Zuckerberg, I Meta your mother last night! There's probably more egregious examples of putting lipstick on a pig but I can't think of one at the moment. Anybody making book on how long this lasts?


It's Friday once again and that means the weekend is near and the #fridayfreewrite is here! Who's got big plans for the weekend? I'll be moving so have some fun for me!


I hate moving! I'm pretty sure I've said 'I'm never doing that again' after every time I've moved. Still, as much as I detest it, it's a good excuse to go through all those things that seem to accumulate and purge some stuff. If I can't remember why I still have it, it's probably time for it to go...


Ever stop and reflect on why you have something? The more I do it the less stuff I have. Well, except when it comes to books... Kinda makes you wonder how many versatile solutions for modern living does one really need?


I'm listening to Speed Trap Town by Jason Isbell and it reminded me of something I've long wondered. How do the police enforce speed limits where you live? Here in Kentucky the cops ignore it as long as you're only doing 10mph over the posted limits and on the interstates in the cities will even ignore 15 mph over. Just across the river in Ohio it seems revenue generation is the mission and they take to it with relish. The smaller the town the more likely it is that there's a cop lurking next to where the speed limit drops.

One of the headaches of driving cross country is figuring out what you can get away with. Usually I just try and imitate how the people with local tags are driving but that only gets you so far. There's been a few times I've declined to do so and shortly thereafter encountered that local pulled over. Your mileage may vary... Hey @brandt, are half the people living in Colorado now transplants? When I was there it seemed like even a lot of the people with Colorado tags did not know how to drive on mountain roads.

People's Guide To Law Enforcement Laxity, now there's a project!


Team Jesus hasn't been getting too many draft picks as of late it seems. Wonder what league they play in? Anybody else still follow sportsball? As a kid I would read the paper every day and pour over the baseball box scores and stats but now I find myself unable to muster the same enthusiasm. Don't get me wrong, I still love to play sports but following them, not so much. The tribalism that goes with sports teams seems a little too much like politics and there's already enough of that to go around, thanks. (If you're bored, check out the Nika riots when politics and sports mixed so well that tens of thousands died.)


Time for me to sail off into the sunset weekend, thanks for joining me for this weekly ramble. One last thing before I go, if you're looking for a landscape photography contest, check out @travelcontest's post about their current contest.

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