Paradise Of Fools

We are living in a fool's paradise. Earlier this week I did a post on the local 'can opener' that likes to snack on semis that ignore warning signs. Well, it almost got to feed two days in a row, saw video of a tanker backing away from the can opener the very next afternoon. Today we made the BBC when a semi tried to jump off the Second Street Bridge into the Ohio River.

Kind of makes you wonder what they're putting in diesel these days. Whatever it is, it's making the weather act out up too. Would like to take a moment to thank ExxonMobil and BP for all those lovely 70 degree February days.

Beef is about to get expensive y'all. Texas has a new record wildfire and the forecast for the weekend doesn't look good. Been keeping my eye on it because it's up in the panhandle, right next door (by Texas standards, ~50 miles) to Shamrock, which has my favorite Route 66 gas station. That's cattle country, and even if they survive the fire it still gets their food.

Speaking of food, we're going to start airdropping it into Gaza. It's a nice gesture but considering they need something akin to the Berlin Airlift, it's not much more than that. Curious how 'Never again! keeps turning into 'Again and again!'

Good thing we have some highly competent individuals running for president this year. Beginning to suspect that the only way we're going to see serious leadership is if we pull together and write-in the Phillie Phanatic for president.

Don't mind me, I'm just in a reflective mood this evening. In case you were wondering what this all had to do with these photos, the short answer is nothing. The long answer is also nothing, but with an Anomaly.

It's Friday, who's up for a drink? Ever try to describe a place that defies description? There's a place in Santa Fe, New Mexico that fits that description called Meow Wolf. Since a description was off the table, that just left these cryptic photos.

If you were ever in search of cheat codes for life, that's the web address for where you can find them. Just don't tell'em you know me.

Just about got my instagram account trained, pretty much all it shows me these days is street photography, cat videos, and things blowing up. All the pet videos have really got me wondering, do our pets actually like us or do they just have a bad case of Stockholm syndrome?

Don't know if y'all pay much attention to the news, lately it's gotten a bit risky out. Life's a gamble, what are you willing to risk?

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