Going Underground

Attention Shoppers, duck and cover special on World War III. Please proceed to your friendly neighborhood bomb shelter. Instead of tuning into that bit of political theater that they're calling a debate I'm listening to covers of Masters of War and editing photos of the Metro in Washington DC.

If there's a more beautiful brutalist bomb shelter than a Metro station, I ain't seen it yet. With all the ordnance in the air these days, bomb shelter aesthetics may be headed for a renaissance.

Don't reflect on that too much or you'll miss your train. Might as well get used to that #undergroundlife anyways. If our penchant for killing total strangers doesn't drive us underground, then Mother Nature's revenge will likely do the trick.

There's something about the Metro that always makes me think of that old silent film, Metropolis. Good thing life doesn't imitate art.

It's just about time for the season finale of everyone's favorite reality TV show, Election! Will be doing my best not to tune in because no matter who wins it's still just going to be War Pigs reruns.

On that note, I have a train to catch. Y'all stay safe out there in the world.

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