
Usually when I'm out and about I'm trying to capture a bit of the story of the people of the city. Not all I capture though, sometimes it's best to let the city tell its own story.

I am a visitor. Been living here going on twenty years but I'll always be a visitor here. Damn sure couldn't blend in if I wanted to. Does make for a different perspective on things though.

One things for certain though, there's things goin' on that you don't know. Louisville is in the Ohio River valley, which does a nice job of trapping all the lovely exhaust and other pollution we put into the air. Makes for some impressive haze on anything but a windy day and for some rather terrible air quality.

Let's clap our hands, for the president and Mickey Mouse, and every other motherfucker that's burning up in this house. Starting to get a sense of the scale of things? Louisville is basically just a collection of small towns that grew into one oversized small city.

Here the wrong side of the tracks is wherever you're at. At least when a train's a'coming. The lively parts and the quiet parts of town tend to be mixed up and intermingled here, you're never too far from where the gunfire's at.

Don't think there's a more classic Louisville cityscape than that of the University of Louisville Can Opener feeding. Part carnivorous infrastructure, part testament to human obdurance, it provides a steady stream of entertainment to the locals and revenue to the tow companies.

The Ohio River can sometimes be unfriendly, so they turned a good bit of the river front into parks and such. The rest they turned into interstates. It's fun, you can go kayaking in the park when the river gets up.

That's my cue to ride on out here and do the horizontal. Stay safe out there y'all.

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