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Serie fotográfica "ESPEJOS" #5 (esp-eng)

Si te engrandece, es parte de tí.
Ahora solo cargo con mis hombros. No uso máscaras para mirar al sol. No me escondo de mi propia sombra. Paré la cadena. Me hice cargo y me muestro. Estoy aquí.

«Al final, todo el mundo va a reírse de tí», dijo un loco por la calle...

If it makes you better, it's part of you. Now I only carry on with my own shoulders. I don't wear masks to look at the sun. I don't hide from my own shadow. I stopped the chain. I took charge and I show myself. I am here.
'In the end, everyone will laugh at you,' said a madman on the street...

This is my entry for the Monomad Daily Contest. Hope you like it ☺️.

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