(Esp-Eng) đŸ–€đŸ€DesafĂ­o Monomad #4, Pensando en Ă©l /Monomad Challenge #4,Thinking of himđŸ€đŸ–€.


đŸ–€đŸ€DesafĂ­o Monomad #4, Pensando en Ă©l /Monomad Challenge #4,Thinking of himđŸ€đŸ–€

El día de hoy celebran el Día del Padre, fecha donde es homenajeado por todo la hermosa labor que con esfuerzo y sacrificios han desempeñado, el día de hoy le dedico este post a mi padre, el cual no puedo hoy tenerlo cerca y darle todo mi amor para que sienta y comprenda que hizo un maravilloso trabajo, él tan imperfecto hizo a su perspectiva lo que estaba en sus manos para criar a sus hijos.

Today they celebrate Father's Day, date where he is honored for all the beautiful work that with effort and sacrifices have played, today I dedicate this post to my father, which today I can not have him near and give him all my love to feel and understand that he did a wonderful job, he so imperfect did his perspective what was in his hands to raise their children.


Tantos recuerdos vienen a mi mente sin cesar y mi corazĂłn se achica de la tristeza de no poder estar con Ă©l, solo me queda dar gracias a Dios por permitir que fuera mi Padre!.. Lo amo tanto que hasta sus defectos me parecen virtudes, ya que de los mismos aprendĂ­ lo que no se debe hacer, asĂ­ son ellos, seres que no vinieron con un instructivo de cĂłmo criar a un hijo pero que fueron valientes y dieron la cara a tan gran responsabilidad.

So many memories come to my mind incessantly and my heart shrinks from the sadness of not being able to be with him, I can only thank God for allowing him to be my father.... I love him so much that even his defects seem like virtues to me, since I learned from them what not to do, that's how they are, beings who did not come with an instruction manual on how to raise a child but who were brave and faced such a great responsibility.


Hoy celebró desde mi corazón a todos esos padres maravillosos que les tocó representar ante los hijos la mano dura, él que debe poner límites y al mismo tiempo amor para que él muchacho o muchacha no se descarrilé del buen camino y sean hombres y mujeres que obren bien!.

Today I celebrate from my heart all those wonderful parents who had to represent before their children the hard hand, the one who must set limits and at the same time love so that the boy or girl does not go astray from the right path and become men and women who act well!


Gracias a esta linda comunidad por su espacio!! Esta es mi entra #4 al desafĂ­o @monomad, gracias por leer mi post, feliz dĂ­a!!

Thank you to this lovely community for your space!!!! This is my entry #4 to the @monomad challenge, thank you for reading my post, happy day!!!




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