Jesus Wetp

How's it going over there? I hope you're all doing great. ☀️

Today I want to share with you some photos I took at home one day when I was a bit bored.

The truth is, I didn't have many ideas of what to do, so I decided to get a bit creative and play with the camera.

To inspire me, I put on the song "Jesus Wept" by Sia, and I really loved the vibe it has. ✨ The lyrics made me think about the search for meaning and the connection with something bigger than ourselves.



So, with the song in mind, I started taking pictures of different objects in my house from different angles and with different lights.

The photos that came out aren't perfect, but I like the result because they remind me of that day when I dared to be creative and explore my artistic side.


Although I'm not a religious person, Sia's song touched something inside me. It made me think about the beauty of the world around us and the importance of finding our own source of inspiration.


I hope you like the photos as much as I do.

And what about you? What do you do when you're bored? Do you have a favorite song that inspires you to be creative?

Let me know in the comments!

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