Fatima - monomad - eng/esp

Some people come to our monthly safari purely by chance. This beautiful girl came accompanying one of our models and since she was there, we took advantage of the opportunity to invite her to pose for us. She is one of those beauties that one is aware will not return, because really not everyone reserves a day of the month to be photographed with us. That's why you have to capture the moment and the beauty, and then let it go. If we meet again, it will be wonderful! Hivers, I present to you: Fátima!

Algunas personas llegan a nuestro safari mensual de pura casualidad. Esta hermosísima muchacha vino acompañando a una de nuestras modelos y ya que estaba ahí, aprovechamos la ocasión para convidarla a que posara para nosotros. Son de esas bellezas que uno está consciente que no van a volver, porque realmente no todo el mundo reserva un día del mes para fotografiarse con nosotros. Es por eso que hay que captar el momento y la belleza, y luego dejarlas partir. Si nos volvemos a ver, será maravilloso! Hivers, les presento a Fátima!

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Thanks so much for the opportunity!
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