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#Monomad: Love/Relationship

Love is a very beautiful thing that'll never cease in our lives. We tend to develop feelings for someone at some particular point in time, we either posses genuine feelings or we get obsessed with them.

These feelings can come from us trying to get close to someone, building a personal relationship with them; having healthy conversations, spending time together, caring after each other.

Some relationships don't last cause we can't grow with them, some gets toxic and it'll result to a separation, some gets tired and ends up giving up. Those who are able to maintain their relationship tend to have the best out of love, they grow with their partner and they get to understand themselves together.

Growing your relationship from childhood till the old age is one of the best love experience one can ever get. Doing things together; going on excursions, touring places, building a good home and making impact on the society.

When we get to love, we should love wholeheartedly and try to grow in peace.

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