First Snowshoe!

Hi fellow Outdoorsmen,

Today I'm happy to share that I finally got the chance to go snowshoeing with our son!


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First Snowshoe!

One of the things I've been looking forward to, with mixed feelings (meaning he's getting older sadly :( lol), was getting to do more older kid things with our son!

We had some good snow the other day and I knew I wanted to bust out the snowshoes! We stopped at a second-hand shop the other day to get some used skates and snowboard boots and came out with some other fun stuff like snowshoes! We were looking forward to getting to use them and enjoyed every minute of the opportunity here.


It was snowing quite a bit when we were out there and it was quite interesting to see the birds going nuts at a birdfeeder. I figured they would hunker down and try to get out of the snow but they were hungry it looks like.


A wild part of the time we were out there was seeing the river and all the ice flowing down it! You know it's some cold ass weather when a big river ices up like that, I wonder if we would ever see it completely frozen lol that would mean some crazy ass weather for sure!


I didn't get more pictures of our snowshoeing journey for some reasons like not wanting my hands to freeze but also enjoy the time out there with our son, on his first adventure with me! He had a lot of fun and did awesome at it. Next time we will have to change some of the stuff we bring with us, he did get a little chilly when we were out there but overall it was an awesome time and he certainly enjoyed himself.

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