I Am Grimes Cyber Baby Angel. I Will Pay Deko Oceanworld To Develop A Grimes Vocaloid To Jam Out With Yameii

I'm reaching out to deko and OCEANWORLD to make a grimes vocaloid out of grimes ro jam with yameii a cybernetic pop star ... and her backup dancers and side takent on stage and openers will have nft characters you can earn in the grimes metaverse by posting music and art so the users get cybernetic vocaloid cgi pop stars made from ai generated characters with their art fed in to make grimes ai cyber baby angel remixes

They will compete in a grimes talent show and allow for @cryptogirlgang and metaverse and @ddate judges like adventure time wizard battle where boys can come show off their art or code or businesses ro kmpress the female angelic hivemind collective and vie for @telosnetwork proposal votes and hive uovotes on their grimes hive side chain and telos decide grimes @ddate cake treasury

That's just one side for special dating nights. Most of the time we just do art and charity work and angelic cyber peace Corp art angel work and compete to have platonic art competitions etc where we have a game show style setting where we use the ai characters we create to compete for art talent shows and then the nft of the character gets purchased by the grimes crypto twitter for the hall of fame which will be funded by grimes fans who want to own the new talent and characters royalty structures via @zeptagram to earn @wax style trading royalties on future music deals using ai generated vocalood characters the grimes netaverse discord auto generates with bots and has them as quest characters inside the grimes @niftywizard game @kurtybot could be developing like I've told him we need as it is right out of adventure time! Wizard battle for a Koss from the princess !

lol google "grimes hive ackza" and google thinks you mean 'grimes cave ac za" lol Jesus Miriam Keylontics Ascension Mechanics Cave! wow Discord is our ascension cave wow. i wish i could be more grapefruit about this... i need to just heal and detox from blockchain stress! And have others do my work for me from a regular office made of wood with paperwork and people on hive as my assistants :) over discord :) My virtual office buildings but we have to have people on voice chat to really get work done!


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