If a music artist joins hive and gets 100,000 fans to pay no more than $100 each, thats $10Million enough to pay a company of 100 people $100,000 a year for 1 year with a DAC Telos Decide Treasury and hive social media community

hire 100 people at $100,000 a year ... with that $10M from getting 100,000 fans to each buy $100 worth of a token or NFT, make that $100 work to be good for 1 live or virtual event ... thats 10 live events a year 10,000 people at each one, mostly virtual, many in Florida, make it a Bitcoin Music festival, combine a tech trade show and a massive edm rave and make it really up scale, where there are CHAIRS or seats for more than everyone (get it? musical chairs ubi? anti squid games?)


any artist can for $60 make a hive engine token and sell it to use as a ticket for a live show, a discord interactive live event, or to be used as a Hive Smart Media Token to stake to show extra fan power etc. (A Fandom wiki "Fan Power" stake crypto scotbot system could be interesting with communities for every fandom wiki)

Big artists with 1 million fans can sell their token for $100 each, it can come with a wax nft coupon, and it can used as a concert ticket raffle ticket, but selling 1 million $100 tickets to all your fans at once, should be enough to rent all the stadiums you need

start doing the math for virtual concert tickets where the artist keeps most of the money and all the funds to pay a venue etc do it in Florida or Texas ...

Imagine the Telos MiamiCoin Bitcoin Music tech Festival where they have deadmau5 and his eos @emanate https://emanate.live people, the @zeptagram @telosnetwork people , the newlife ai people, all the ethereum music people who will take up most of the floor show, and they will be all showing off all their tech finding ways for it to all work together

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