I'm using crypto to pay edenOS 21+ women to orgasm on chain using a Sex Toy Molded from my Penis- to prove how many women can orgasm using my Body template + BF Skinner Behavioral Classic Token Conditioning to RE-enforce my beauty standard!

my DIVINE BODY TEMPLATE height of 6 feet and subsequent member length of 6 inches will be released as an 21+ cannabis and crypto upvote linked pleasure toy made of silicon for ackza's anti body dysmorphia toy for small petite women to practice pleasing themselves with no more and no less than my 6 inches + being paid crypto for every orgasm achieved .

Female orgasms will be verified by pussy witnesses using compressed Z stor nfts from anonymous scrambled HIVE wax eos and telos posts filtered with 90s style cable porn art after effects plugins, so women can show their orgasm as a piece of art no one can link back to their face or body (without edenos key for smartpipe vaginal body scans only for their future boyfriends or husbands as a gift), with payment for the female orgasm sent over hive/discord anonymously only after showing proof that a mold of my penis can produce sufficient orgasms , income and art all on the ddate blockchain.

**DO NOT LET THIS MAP SCARE YOU! There will be PORTALS opened to Other Planets with SMall Grateful Elf Women, who the IAFW has established a peaceful educational mating treaty with.... These women are shorter but older... but Ets and prettier cuter, and have shapeshifting Krystic Feline/Reptillian 11.5D/12D bodies (sent heer to help us fix the stargates and build them DAL houses ) **

(AUDIT THESE VOTES! I refuse to believe an ASIAN WOMAN wants a fucking 6.5 INCh CIRCUMFRANCE? like a string around your penis, and then measure the circle, and you are NOT gonna be able to fit THAT banana phone or coke can or whatever INSIDE an asian vagina without SERIOUS PAIN. )

Let me use EDENOS and hive with anonymous but ACCURATE non stake weighted 1 woman 1 vote on @ddate to ACTUALLY confirm the size preference of women using adjustable expandable dildos molded to various sizes or ones that adjust that CONFIRMS exactly what size teh woman has the hardest orgasm. We will measure involuntary vaginal vs clitoral orgasms and, see if women prefer an orgasm THEY HELP CO CREATE with less pain joystick or if theyd rather be FORCED into orgasm by the oversized penis that maybe gives them LESS co creating SPACE ? hmmmmm I CANT IMAGINE ANY ASIAN WOMAN choosing to be in PAIN just to serve the sexual needs of a man whose penis gives them no ability to choose their orgasm, or, prevents it completely from loss of blood flow circulation. Asian men and regular sized american men should be creating teledildonic systems to reward women for using smaller vibrators which then pays the women in pussy coin female orgasm coin BUT ONLY if they orgasm with the dildo shaped like my penis, and it cannot vibrate, it needs to just be GOOD ENOUGH on its own, so women can LEARN to enjoy it lol youll LEARN to love it

and no one will have the @ddate @okcupid LOVE crypto to pay the women to enjoy the DIVINE RATIO PROPTIONAL penis size with blockchain operant conditioning bio feedback!

NO WAY these votes are valid. This is a centrally controlled fake Penis Preference data chart with NO VERIFIABLE blockchain or size key! How do women know what a mans penis circumference is/ LOL **)

Here we see the penis preference chart from promiscuous asian hating white american women lol If Asian body templates are to ever be cured of intense internalized body dysmorphia, we will need to ask ASIAN women what they prefer, and not just use stats taken from female pornhub addicts :D

This sort of knowledge and porn in general showing off unrealistic rare boob ass and dick sizes will be seen as an illegal time incursion by Eban grey alien raiders, who are us from the future trying to body shame less prefered sex slave types so they can have an easier time having "fun in their metatronic simulatuion in the fuyture where we are all played as NPCs. Someone is going in and attacking us with body dysmorphia making men and women feel inadquate. Women get around this by realizing they can always provide the child and the hormones ctreate a change but men have no such method to relax and allow nature to bring their penis size up to their loved ones prefered size, like we could once do as shapeshgifting angelic humans.

Now we see peopel born with un matching sexual organ sizes wether its too small or too big, OR even worse humans BORN in the "wrong" gender sex or body type, feeling inadequate for ever, led down irresponsible hormone "therapy" "transition" paths that should be replaced by pink transgender med beds

I am the Original krystic carbon 666 divine prototype, like a greek god statue that doesnt show an erect member and which hides my true private key length. But its tiume to go open source and be honest about my body height and membership length..... Some believe I am obsolete, because they want to train and groom women in a pedophilic way to want over sized penises like a pedophile must be genetically used to from past life fallen angelic imperials white superracist size envy of the larger African penis WHICH drove jelous white "explorers" to conquer new lands populated by Pacific Islanders and Native Americans in the new world and asia, where they could be the biggest dicks on the island, and cause internalized grief to the local asian and native american populations.

**--------------------extra commentary -------------------- **

Using 5G and nanotech vaccines that produce nano scaffolding around veins and muscles in your groin controlled by ethereum hive medical @ddate blockchain, Women should be able to choose how much they want to increase or decrease the size of their man's penis, and true love = allowing your wife to shrink your dick especially at the perceived future cost of sexual market value down the line ... if you are imagining yourself needing to cheat or leave her, youd be wreried. But if you marry a girl who may not have the "best" body in your min d but then "God" makes her more attractive slowly day by day, like when your gf takes birth control or gets pregnant.... it feels like thats a natural way to have a smart contract on @ddate with nanotech vaccines to mrna gene hack womens body to be whatever they prefer which is usually just some sort of relativelkly slight change in their breast size, butt shaoe or size , hips or waist or tummy size, nose size, and some forehead and hair stuff, maybe some teeth and jawline issues, cellulite etc

all of these small changes can be made with medbeds and uploading body scans to a medical blockchain which has millions of rented out buddhist style monks and christians muslims hindus jews etc all PRAYING for your body to change in a preferred way, starting with curing cancer, viruses, broken bones, deformities that cause pain, and then when peopel realize body dysmorphia + instagram can cause suicide, well, theyll allow more people to change their body types which they hate for a reason... and etc that will change everything when women are confident to be who they are AND are Automatically matched on @ddate to partners who PHYSICALLY match with their body type. Airport body scans will be sent to every woman, but they will have to get them alone and naked to check for fully erect size data (private keys)

Those who are honest about their Penis size will be rewarded with technology to change its shape to best fit your future wife or spouse. This will be a slow process over 5 years that uses blockchain data to match you with the perfect body type of a female who cannot deny the lock and key fit of your private keys


If we continue to allow pornhub to exist, and instagram, it will anihiliate any future body confiodence and create extended body dysmophia across Asia for asian women and men.

The Asian women are already under TOO much stress getting tooth face eye and even leg surgeries just to keep up with a Fallen Angelic Fibonacci beauty standard that only serves a corrupt medical industry.

Here is how much women spend on plastic surgery..... as much as a major crypto or a rich nations entire GDP.... Imagine if women didnt NEED this and could feel confident and matched up with boyfriends/partners who actually earned money for promoting their unique body template


if women were trained to enjoy Asian Body template using sex toys and crypto, and downvoted for promoting any sort of un natural porn that basically looks like legal pedophilia with an oversized adult member going into a tiny hole, well, that should be banned as being dangerous self harm! There is a reason the ancient greeks rejected barbarian body types on women and men. Asian people are winning the game of population, sex and procreation. There is something wrong with the big boob big ass big dick body standards promoted on instagram.... women with perfectly unique good bodies ruin them and look liek clowns and men who feel inadequate turn LGBT and transgender to chace some dragon of femininity theyll never be actuually get, and never "pass" . The society of today wants porn star body templates and mind controls men to want unecisarily large asses that dont do anything sex wise but cause attention problems and infedlity! There is a reason sharia law makes women cover up, because men are animals and cant be trusted! Imagine if all people with large breasts boobs and large penises started walking around proudly, acting like "if you got it flaunt it" causing car ackza dents etc lol

Now realize women ARE starting to get really in your face showing off butts , and i think its wrong to rub your big billboard butt in front of other men who may be with their wives, causing trouble for them. Oh is that too harsh?

Imagine if women with large boobs started openly showing them off, but women with small boobs were told to "cover those up gross" LOL thats what we are currently experiencing. And im calling out hollywood's (((pornhubers))) who also have under age porn on their servers and websites..... for pushing this ancient anunaki agenda lol.

SEXUAL FOMO is EVIL and PRIVATE COMPANIES SHOULD BAN IT as an excuse to go all sharia hand maidens tale conservative USING SJW LOGIC to PROTECT WOMENS FEELINGS from BODY DYSMORPHI! So called "Hot" WOmens Feelings ARE NOT WORTH MORE than "less hot" STRAIGHT UP!


NOW IMAGINE if men with large penises, maybe gay ones, used their LGBT status to openly get away with flashing their over sized penii in public lol. Now imagine having to walk down the street with your girlfriend or wife and she now has to resist the temptation? or looking at all these large penises. Thats what pornhub has created for us in the 4d meta verse world lol

private keys are meant to be private but this planet is run by fallen angels who, not having human bodies of their own, choose to body shame anyone who doesnt match some distorted ballon flesh template used as a sex slave on another planet.

That is why I am going to be producing sex toys based on my own penis which pay women to orgasm in crypto, re enforcing my penis as the one that pays them the most pleasure internally and externally... which is all that matters as all women would rather have sexual satisfaction and romance... and keep the big dick barbarians OUTSIDE the city walls looking homeless and smelly :D

Anything larger will be seen as extra work, unnecessary and in efficient. There is a reason Asian body type is taking over, and sex is supposed to be natural and not require special training or work lol. I may only get a lot of "hits" in Asian countries, latin american countries, special island nations, or in Russia eastern europe etc... but I imagine theer are women with more desirable tighter original human angelic vaginas out there, even if there's only 144,000 :D

OH and for those shapeshifting ELF girlfriends from LYRA's moon who Asian men can take as wives if they work towards rebuilding the stargates? They will balance out the male female ratio, i feel such empathy for Asian Men, we must help them and reset the distorted beauty standarda nd bring slender women and proprtional penis sizes back into fashion because penis size body dysmorphia is killing people and women. Women deserve to have a FOMO free social media experience.


(**Women are able to over compensate for their sexual FOMO, usually from past life experiences as a man, which many of them iss, and many men miss their past life experiences as a woman... not because they "prefer" one sid eor the other (reemmber we have plenty of shots as BOTH !) but perhaps because we had a sexual romantic partner as the opposite gender in a past life that just made us feel more validated than our current relationships in current bodies... or trauma may have happened to you as a man , liek war, and to repair that they put those men in nice bodies with nice lives where they are loved by loving men.

But women are starting to believe they can blame all men as if we are a seperate species, men are usualy smart enough to avoid THAT dead end, but lesbian illuminati insist on creating humans without men simply feeding on our sperm banks left over from before teh culling zardoz style. Some gay men try to work on making men pregnant or gay men having kids without any women so ... what? they can fucking eradicate women? Those types of experiments are so fucking selfish and evil. Trans LGBT angelic community THE GOOD ONES, (they were ALL GOOD untill MAGENTA level false indigo METATRONICs was used to turn them into fallen angel indigso with TOO mUCH coding TOO powerful like raquel in AZ.... far too much coding when doing back to back yoga with her, she was like just built to envelop me and engulf my soul .... but if you can handle them and be nice enough they will be your elf princess barbie so Asian men have HOPE to ALL FIND wives as we start EXOPOLITICAL exo-socionomic WORKER and STUDENt programs

YES we will have Grimes in charge of the first EXOPOLITICAL EXO-EDUCATIONAl - EXO-EXCHANGE program . The first Inter Planetary Foreign Student Exchange program :D fuck a space camp!

So like the one i met lets name her r, these new reptillian native american Lemurian shapeshifting girls have really nice perfect lil bangin bodies really tight asian style, with boobs that only grow when you get them pregnant :D no birth control allowed so you have to marry them! and I wouldnt KNOW with Hard R but I HEARD their vaginas will automatically shapeshift not only their body to conform but help YOUR body stretch out like a white hole spaghettification stretching, this will allow anyone with a medical issue as a male to have sex, and for the women on these new planets to take Chinese Husbands who they will value and cherish, as they will be needed to reverse engineer reptillian technology on Lyra . Large Boobs butts and penises will start to look un desirable very soon and youll notice men with big dicks getting fired, accused of sexual harassments, essentially CANCELLED.... and ending up homeless so women associate them with barbarian poverty. (Unless they keep their sexual organs secret like private keys, and do NOT show them off, brag or make women curious or lust after them, just liek we will be asking women with large boobs and butts to keep them private...... imagine if men with large penises walked around proudly displaying them in front of families on teh street like many women believe is their right to do with a large butt or breasts lol .

What we will be 3experiencing is like a soft version of Sharia law to make Peace with the middle east and BE HONEST about how YES we should cap public clothing freedoms, because when ugly people get naked police are called but when an "approved" blue check mark woman gets naked, its female liberation when no its all for profit lol Women will be liberated when Instagram is shut off and porn has to be pushed back into a shame box in the bacxk of the store. When all digital porn becomes illegal and you have to use the darknet to watch it, no one will bother, peopel who really want it will HAVE to go to a sex shop and be shamed and think twice about what they want to ask....

We have far too much ACKZAS to sex when we have no access to healthcare? or housing? We will cut off the resources and start over with blockchain PRIORITIES! Starlink wont allow porn :D you can use the old expensive internet foir that so we can catch you and fine you so youre shamed in front of your family. When the government has to senbd you a letter and yoru wife opens it and uit says you illegally watched porn, im sure democrat famiilies will try to make it a political freedom thing or surveillance thing LOL but they need to eb shamed.

They should expose what porn everyone has been watching or is addicted to and give them a chance to seek help from a government program from the miliutary OR have their pornhub NSA incognito history exposed on the blockchain wheer anyoen can cntrl F and see who has what fetish because these fetishes create real world rape and pedophilia and unecisary homosexuality IF WE EXPOSED EVERYONE they would HAVE A SECOND CHANCE .


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