Grimes Rand - what grimes was REALLy reading - a female author thats actually respected by the most powerful business men...


Im pretty sure e already got her into it and watched the movie with her and turned her off to it and its up to HIVE to re educate her and her hivemind HOW STEEMIT / HIVE works... I mean.. it took us years to re write our brains to rational self interest and we still havent gotten it right. The end game for all humans is either ascension or procreation and family periodt so @ddate and marriage contracts and family planning are what we need, re branded blockchain planned parent hood. And then the end game is rational self interested MEDICAL care, thats the secret- get paid to profit with health data. get paid to be healthy with upvotes.... hive can do it all... its all here like nintendo, put it together like legos.

In the movie they show a woman with the railroad spikes made from the new metal used in the blah blah blah

she wore the tesla spike lol


When we can post our food, weight, lab results, and curate anyone with a disease to cure it to study it with data, posted on chain, imagine....

We can curate healthy diets, rational self interest at the grocery store with coupons, EBT and nfts... compare it to peoples weight and health data

and then yeah we build the searl effect generator lol its mentioned in the Ayn Rand books a magic(magnet) free energy device that defeats communism through rational self interest and free flowing resources everyone can purchase because theres jst so much human activity and jobs for all (Like At Home HIVE Jobs) and not everyone who is rich isnt a nerd so they need poor fun people lol. DPOS Delegation self correcting data Circus

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