APEC Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference! On Jan 1 they reviewed the GRAVITYFLYER (extension cable UFO) by inventor Alexy Chekurkov! Someone in USA bought it! Last year i offered Alexey $1000! Now do SEG MagLev FlyWheels





THE GRAVITYFLYER by ALEXEY CHEKURKOV is a RUSSIAN TRUE Anti Gravity or at least "electro-gravitic" motor that, WHILE PLUGGED INTO the WALL outlet or battery via EXTENSION CABLE, provides LIFT for itself, allowing WINDLESS propulsion! a very REAL Levitation EFFECT, with no fan blades, just a spinning disk made of a mysterious russian bumpy metal made famous by a man who allegedly made a Russian anti gravity podium stand vehicle, out of a bettle wings and their mysterious magnetic properties


APEC 1/1: The Graviflyer, Tesla Resonant Motor & Hutchison Effect
Charles Crawford III will present on Alexey Chekurkov’s Graviflyer Kit, and Mike Gamble will be discussing Tesla’s Resonant Motor, and Tim Ventura will present on the Hutchison Effect Materials samples. We’re also joined by special guest George Hathaway, and we’ll be finishing off the event with an open discussion and ad hoc presentations by conference attendees!

Part #1 – Charles Crawford III – Alexey Chekurkov’s Graviflyer Kit
Indy experimenter and PhD Electrical Engineering student Charles Crawford III will be discussing the Graviflyer equipment that he purchased from Alexey Chekurkov, and sharing his experiences, thoughts & opinions. He will also be discussing the equipment that he received, and describing his current research & future experimental plans. In this presentation, he will also be providing updates on his efforts to get the Graviflyer functioning & flying, and will either describe the experimental process he is using to test it.

So last year or earlier I emailed alexey, he denied to sell me a gravity flyer out of fear that it wouldnt work i believe, he said he didnt want to send me junk, it would be too complicated fo rme to set up AND I BELIEVE HIM, its a russian anti gravity machine lol

Well, guess what? SOME GUY NAMED CHARLIES BOUGHT IT liek I WANTED, and ALSO LIEK I WANTED, he DISPLAYED IT PUBLICALLY at a ANTI GRAVITY CONFERENCE with SERIOUS science discussions hahahah and hes gonna run public open source experiments, i needa email him to ask if he can 24/7 live stream his lab so we can donate superchat, money and crypto for TTS and media while he does his experiments

Alexey made it to the well promoted APEC confrence for Advanced propulsion Engineering Conference! And someone BOUGHT his device i guess so he could get it on stage and still show up remotely over zoom/skype etc :D THIS WAS MY EXACT PLAN i posted here above and on hive and telegram hahaha im so happy when people with tiem and resources i lack just do my exact plan perfectly lol .

Now we have a gravity flyer in the US and Im going to email charles about doing "streamlabs" youtube Livestream and IRL lab donations for a 24/7 lab cam, so peopel ca donate whielk they ask questions, when its flying i bet peopel will donate and if u can keep it flying and balanced maybe with a drone style computer to balance its pitch and attitude and yaw and roll etc.... maybe we can gyroscope its balance, keep it floating INDEINITLY while plugged in and just have a live stream of this thing FLOATING maybe behind a fence, in a public museum or park with a live stream on it .... witha plaque describing the experiment and what we think is going on and its commercial and industrial applications


"Indy experimenter and PhD Electrical Engineering student Charles Crawford III will be discussing the Graviflyer equipment that he purchased from Alexey Chekurkov"

wow this guy beat me to it jesus, haha Alexey denied my request over email for like over $1000 i was offering, i wonder how much Charles paid :D I must have started demand, set prices, haha i market make on sales of russian anti gravity motors lol

ALL SCIENCE should be on a BLOCKCHAIN because if its REAL verifiable science then i mean .... all your labs should be on teh same exact standard unless were doing cooky METAVERSE science where we can change the laws of physics and just live in a fake NON IMMUTABLE universe lol


We need people like elon musk to be managing the public image of science pioneering, telling people that finally NOW, this year, 2022 its time to think outside the box and apply for whatever crazy science idea for advanced energy, battery, or propulsion devices ... because tesla Motors has plenty of cash and can inspire a LOT of peopel with Independent tesla Labs all decentralized and creating te first corner stone of fully decentralized Data WItnessed science blockchain networks using Telos and telos decide and nfts etc .... that will create the spacs for the other corner stones to be laid like voting, military/identities and MEDICINE/BIOTECH/big pharma which MUST be chained like the beast it is ...

Anyway the SCIENCE labs in FRANCE using LEDGER labpro style equipment, or WITNESSES with companies monitoring each other, theres many ways to go to decentralize science and IT WORKS with blockhain SO WELL, anyone who defies it is anti science by definition, anyone TRYING to centralize science for "safety" is a liar and we know better. You can beat God and Math and Reality and shit maaaanteh code doesnt lie ...


Anyway maaan heres some more shots of the Gravity Flyer by Alexey Chekirkov... you plug it into a wall and it flies with no air or blades no jets, just an unknown effect or mechanism with a spinning magnetic plate and a grebevkinov magic insect scarab beetle wing bumpy metal plating ..... they spin that and it creates this amazing effect that just MAKES SENSE because MAGNETS ARE SORTA MAGICAL and DONT MAKE sense, execpt they do and our universe just works in ways we have been kept away from ...



in the conference he shows it on his floor in America safe and sound ... ready to reverse engineer by the Chinese lol

Let us INVEST in this JUST as a DECENTRALIZED R&D thinktank... science and magnetics stuff like this isnt THAT expensive... the searl effect generator just needs high wage engineers, and hundred thousand dollar magnetizers and CNC machines which we can just rent or set up in an existing lab customized for us, but we CAN just start using CRYPTO, because CRYPTO projects raise millions, more than enoughfor industrial labs, science and building stuff, it isnt THAt expensive .. especially when we have 24/7 live streams of peopel watching us hoping to see some hovering anti gravity devices NOT PLUGGED IN :D

I wanna see decentralized NFts and proposals as experimenst with all data on the blockchain easily searchable indexable, on a block explorer or a SCIENCE BLOCK EXPLORER... the ide writes itself .... hive communities for labs and experiments for scientisst around tehw orld to get accredited and learn HOW to do small labs and work their way up the upvotble science rating system that will use REAL DATA and NOT indoctrination so the PROPOSAL SYSTEm decides democratically or through Discovery AI what MUST be logically upvoted or yes funded!





was theer a spinning plate inside the box? and a small battery maybe? hmm


INSECT HONEYCOMBS are Literally showing ANTIGRAVITY effects from the SHAPE of the Exoskelaton... just like the searl effect generator has a IMPRINt of a waveform that makes it connect to each other like MAGNETIC gears.... well these insects are able to create things from color like blue nano holes in butterfly wings to create a blue without pigment.... and even anti gravity using NON magnetic materials, made of regular insect calcium carbonate... it bends and is shaped with their dna, to form structures using the earth's electromagnetic field...



like they dont EVOLVE or GROW with little magnets or neodymium or even any iron at all.... its literally calcium ... fucking calcium carbonate... FRIGGIN CALCIUM dude, thats NOT magnetic AND YET the TINY HEXAGON and other pattern shapes CREATE a WORKING electroimagnetic field and youc an see videos of peopel PLAYING with June Bug Beetle WIngs and they literally FLY off the table and FLOAT and levitate like weird LIGHTWEIGHT MAGNETS


why arent we studying this and making antigravity wooden tables and chairs with a simple nanotech laser engraver lol if thats all you need, a tiny imprinted pattern to literally create magnetic fields around the object lol

HIVE HEXAGONS! the SECRET to Insect Antigravity!

haha thast what im talking about, imagine the future is so simple but so advanced, we all learn how simple imprinting of objects with a hand held nano laser engraver or imprinter can gridn in tiny patterns that can allow everyday objects to start floating when combined with teh right floors lol



seems like this thing is 100% real because it reminds me of the insect nanotech color butterfly wing trick where they can use these tiny patterns on their wings to change color without any pigment, a trick of nature...


bugs have these serious exploits that can teach us about electromagnetics and electrogravitics and real levitation making us all look SOOo fucking stupid for never having looked this shit up lol

im gonna be that guy who gets anti gravity research funded with blockchain lol

The Alexey Chekurkov guy is real check out his workshop on youtube Alexey's Garage


I really just want to help Charlie and Alexey get time and funding and team to build MORE of these in a HOUSING with everuything set up AS EASY as possible to stay in a solid state ready to turn on and display as an ART PIECE only!

As an ART INSTALLATION, having two to greet you lik3e guards at a door, maybe with a small LED attached or not, or just LED extension cable going up to it, could be really interesting especially if the cable is sideways or hanging so people KNOW its floating on its own

I belieev he can make it pretty stable , ive seen it float there, i want it to have a housing, a nicemetal or wooden case or something a little logo, just make it art dont worry about it being functional, we will raise more oney for research and development with the real life art pieces

i wanted to do this with the SEG but couldnt get one made BUT THIS thing, which i was told about in 2011 in Ecuador, lol this is WAY better and more impressive, IT LEVITATES and no one will be able to explain how... its perfect to have out front of my new Spacex style antigravity magnetics lab I will use to promote the grimes vrill telos Newlife Magnetics Lab and build the art, and SEG / Chekurkov Fidget spinners, and really make a lot of money selling real life antigravity art to fund more research which spacex will eventually have to pay attention to when we are running around with wireless anti gravity flying saucers lol

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