Building Lego's with my son... Patience is key. :)


I love Lego's....
Such simple geometric rectangular blocks so simple in form can open up so much creativity and imagination with those bricks when combined.

I love to gift Lego's to kids.
There was never a time when a kid does not smile when gifting a Lego set... Ever since I was a child I really enjoyed building Lego's with friends together and often received Lego's for my birthday gift. Maybe that is why when it comes to kids I like to gift them Lego's. What really makes me happy is when I see the smiles on their face. Kids can really express their feelings without any contamination and I have been really enjoying that. Here is an example when I gifted some Lego's to my son and his cousin... funny guys.


Kids and Lego's
I am a firm believer in our near future the competing edge of what will be valued is our ability to manifest creativity. The ones who knows how to think differently will win. All other stuff will be taken care of Ai. As a result, I had my child play with Lego's at a very young age. Its very interesting to see him build... his eyes is in the zone. Totally just focused on the process of how something that looks so difficult can get built.


I love working with Lego's.
As a designer there are so many times when I don't understand how the underlying mechanism work. Then a box of Lego's help get the brain to visualize it more easily. One of our class back in college for motorcycle design Lego frame building was essential due to the fact that motorcycles function follows form.

Life with Lego's
When I really think about it the way how our live works in some ways are not too much different than the Lego manuals we see... We go to the Lego store and check out what to build... on the front of the box we see is the dramatized version of the completed result.


Dream Big with Lego's
Whenever I see the result of some large builds I tend to ask myself "how did I build that?" At the same time I ask a similar question when I as a kid when I saw Legos that had huge a box "How can I build that?".

How can, how did, how could... is when we see anything in the world around us when something built like the Pyramid of Giza for instance to accomplish such feat is out of reach from our capability perspective. I believe there is a place of uncertainty in our minds that we fear in our lives when we try to make big decisions but we tend to ignore that the process to accomplish anything big or small is exactly the same way as how we build Lego's... Brick by Brick.


Organizing Lego
I am an individual that needs to organize what I have in front of me. From my desk to my projects I feel much more efficient when doing so. This goes for Lego's even more so... its really annoying when a small piece needs to be found inside an ocean of other Lego's. I tend to take more time looking for parts than building them.


Not much changed with Lego
The best part about Lego's is that fundamentally nothing changed! My wife has saved all her Lego's she owned and placed them in storage in Taiwan and one day I see a bunch of Lego's organized in color set up for the kids to play. She mentioned to me that those Lego's are the very ones we used and played with when we were kids. Those Lego bricks fit the new Lego bricks as well... Amazing consistency. I guess in this case the best evolution for Lego is NO evolution.

family make.jpg

It has stood the test of time and therefore what I have been building is now available in the same exact way to my kids. I was curious to find out if my son would like Lego's just as much as I do since he shares half of my DNA I wonder if personality traits of interest in same hobbies also applied the same way. In actuality we really dont know.... but I think it does. :)

Sleeping with Lego
My wife actually caught this in action. Due to the difficulty the Porsche and Ferrari has for building to boost my sons confidence I told him I will stay next to him and just watch until he might mess up so he can ask me to see what went wrong.

The next thing that happens is...

The best Lego's are not built in one day.
My son wants to build things in one day and sometimes I can see his frustration that rises when things dont go as he thought it would. I think these are the times where you can tell him to cool down and give the brain a Lego break... tomorrow try it again. He at first doesn't think it would matter and I tell him always. "Bro.... trust me." The next day comes around and with a more calm and fresh awoken morning mind he was able to backtrack and get it to work. Even for me and everyone... if things don't work... just lay it down... go somewhere else. Come back tomorrow. It helps.


Consistency and Persistency + Knowledge and Wisdom
If Lego has taught me anything in my life its the knowledge built by 35+ years of Lego building. This knowledge has become confidence, and the confidence shifted into wisdom to share it with others like my son that maybe life is just like a set of Lego...

"Dream big, although a big Lego set may look challenging try and take a leap... go for it. You may realize its not as smooth operator as you thought... the pain of messing something up and going back 20 steps back to fix the problem... the process of building is not always hard times... sometimes things just work and clicks perfectly smooth and we begin to see the whole thing come alive. After you have finished the Lego set... you also want to show it to others your accomplishment... Go ahead and show it off to your fullest, since it has been done honestly on your own. You deserve it. alright on to the next one." :)

"Good Job Son."


Thanks for stopping by to view my blog post where I try to post interesting experiences of my life to share and entertain/learn/inspire. Hope I can bring more value on the next blog~
Set Da Tone!!!

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