Legendorama: Ready to Venture Forth...

Today Sir Richard’s party set up camp by a lake prior to setting off on their venture. The number of people in the party has grown somewhat, as has the amount of gear they will be taking with them.

In my previous post I introduced you to the main character, Sir Richard Radclyffe, and his doughty yeoman, Gilbert.

Also attending upon Sir Richard will be his squire, Patrick Forse, Perkyn his page, and Christopher, his cook.

Setting Up Camp

I hit on the idea of using some playing cards for tents and tarps. Three of the party, the squire, the yeoman and the cook have tents each made of two playing cards taped together.


I had a jolly time creating Sir Richard’s tent, which is a kind of pavilion made with six cards supported by some Lego poles and such like. The page will sleep just inside the entrance to Sir Richard’s tent.


However, the camping gear required a horse and cart of its own, along with an additional servingman to look after the gear and drive the cart.

The servingman, Peter, will use the tarp that covers the cart, made out of two playing cards, as a tent attached to the cart.

I folded one playing card in half to serve as the tarp to cover Sir Richard’s war gear.

Once they strike camp and set off, procedures and rules will be worked out heuristically, beginning with questions as to what sort of terrain they are entering, the weather, and whether or not it is inhabited and who by.

David Hurley

A more detailed version of this post can be found on my blog @


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