Introducing Legendorama, A Mythopoeic Minifig Questing Game...


Hello everybody! I came across the Hive Lego community last night and would like to join you.

My name is David Hurley. I run a minifig gaming blog called where I play out an open-ended Lego minifig questing game whenever I get time... No progress so far this year...

I reported about the group in a video for another community, but I think it would be a suitable way to introduce my engagement with Lego to you!

Legendorama: The Concept

Our knight, Sir Richard Radclyffe by name, is preparing to set forth “upon a great adventure” to “prove his puissance in battel brave… and his new force to learn.” He rides a white, caparisoned charger with chanfron and crinet. He has his shield by his side and his sword is sheathed. His arms are a golden lion rampant on red and white quarters. By his side run his two hunting hounds, Merriman and Belman.

Here is a portrait of our doughty Knight, Sir Richard Radclyffe:

Screenshot 2020-03-28 at 12.33.34 AM.png

The Exoteric Quest

As Sir Richard travels through unchartered territory he will encounter a series of exoteric circumstances as revealed by the Lower Arcana of the Tarot.

If Sir Richard survives his great exoteric adventure, he will be initiated step by step into all 22 houses of the esoteric Upper Arcana.

Sir Richard quest will be mapped on a 9 x 9 shogi (Japanese chess) board. Each square of the original board can be magnified to reveal another 9 x 9 shogi grid, each square of which measures approximately 1 square mile.

Whatever incidents occur in the squares of the smaller shogi boards will be played out on a tabletop or floor with Lego Minifigs largely drawn from the Kingdoms Knights series.

I will use dice to map the terrain and the inhabitants thereof. I will draw one tarot card per “game day” in a deck that will consist of all the lower arcana and only one upper arcana at a time.

The Esoteric Quest

The upper arcana will be added to the deck in order, beginning with The Fool. The knight’s aim is to survive and thrive until he attains initiation into arcana 21. Each arcana will affect his character and his prowess.

Once the upper arcana card has been drawn it will trigger the initiatic journey that will take over from the exoteric adventure. All the lower arcana cards will be returned to the deck and the next upper arcana card will be shuffled into the deck.

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