What better gift than nature


When gift-inspiration doesn't come just gift nature...or Lego.

- G-dog -

I received an invitation by WhatsApp a week or so ago, a fortieth a friend is having. It was weird receiving like that considering it was a graphically-designed image that back in the good old days would have been printed and mailed...I think text would have done the job but that's a rant for another post.

Days later, and after much thought I came up with a grand total of zero gift ideas, I decided to wander about the mall for inspiration; I got none until...

I walked into the Lego store, [I know, predictable of me huh?], as I am on the hunt for a new build for myself and spied this orchid set which I thought might be a perfect gift, a blend of nature and the coolness that is Lego.

I decided to wander a bit longer just in case something else popped up, and I spent that time trying talk me out of the $1099AUD Lego set I wanted to by myself as well. I didn't come up with any better gift ideas though; the girl who's turning forty loves nature, gardening and Lego...Ok, not the last one, I don't think she's ever built a Lego set but that didn't stop me. Lego it is! Also, for the record, I managed not to buy that set I wanted for myself...I'll get it though, someday.

I'm pretty keen on getting this orchid build for myself actually; it's the same one I bought for my niece @smallsteps and there's a lighting kit available for it which I think would make it a really cool display-piece and I like that it's nature-focused. I'm hoping my friend doesn't like the gift and says, you can have it G-dog, but I'm pretty sure she will not. I figure it'll be a good showpiece and it's the sort of gift that gives a little more to the recipient considering they have to build it themselves!

The fortieth party is a lunch thing at a pretty cool spot in the Adelaide Hills...I'll admit it's all a bit pretentious and not really my thing...and my gift will probably be deemed [by others] as the stupidest thing ever, but that's ok, I'm a knucklehead and if the crown fits, wear it, right?

What's your strategy when it comes to gift-giving? Do you know exactly what to get each time or do you struggle to come up with ideas? Do you like to match your gift to the exact likes of the recipient or are you willing to step outside the lines a little, like me? What's the best or worst gift you've given or received? Feel free to comment below if you'd like to and, just for the record, if you're ever thinking of getting me a gift Lego is always a winner.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Any images in this post are my own.

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