Don't focus on the fruit, focus on the sap and complete development ☯️

In the deep dynamics of life, Many things come, many things go, what is left? By natural human essence, we have within us the mission to not only interact with the creative energy of the world, but to cooperate in a beneficial way.


The rhythm of things interrelates reciprocally. It's not about forcing anything, it's about flowing even within some effort, or proposal.


A vessel without a rudder will always be at the mercy of the rough sea. What would be the rudder in this navigation?

Let's treat the rudder as a focus on the path, a linear direction to follow, and for that we need to know at least the navigation territory, structures that keep the boat in good working order, but the main thing, know yourself as a captain, know how to oscillate between the wild sea and the dripping with mastery. Its about have good frequency and constancy.

This is having balance.

Balance is often achieved by repeating the error.

When tired of making mistakes, our body has already memorized the contraction a few times, so we create defense mechanisms to alarm ourselves before the problem happens again. And so, we experience change.

Yes, apparently this is the most common way of achieving balance in the global population.


I propose a different method to achieve balance.
The condition of a system in which the forces acting on it compensate each other, canceling each other out, is in theory equilibrium.

Having balance in life means having bodily, physiological balance... With this in mind, we study the principle that structures good functioning with love, thus incurring the learning in our own body, without actually needing to experience the error several times until we "Awaken " for a change.

And when I say about trying to learn what you learn in your own body, I mean the persistent practice of awareness and attention to everything that happens inside and outside without creating fatigue. It's about actually living in Yoga (Unity).

Elimination of accumulated pollution, restoring the original nature of the organism.

What is Yoga?

The truth is that we don't know in terms of reality what's behind, what's ahead, what's actually up and what's down. All information was something experienced on a superficial level of existence according to the energy deposited. But what we are completely sure of is that there is an inside and an outside. The internal and the external, the Macro and the Micro.

When these are aligned, preferably in harmonic geometry, a conduction channel beneficial to life can be created. In theory, Yoga (Unity) is the meeting of one with the other, of you with the external world, in an attempt to achieve respect, cooperation, health and happiness.

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It is important to remember that it all depends on your point of view. And the point of view is when you can perceive something, and often whether that something is actually real or tricks of the mind.

When we increase the point of view, with it comes greater responsibility. With greater responsibility… navigation is necessary. We study the principle with our hearts to instill the learnings in our own bodies. Maintaining the posture, strength in the legs, steady gaze and attention to all the dynamism, we achieve balance. We create a calm and natural atmosphere even in the face of danger and discover that it is not about reading more, doing more, but about reading better, doing better, about Love. “Syntropy”.

The patterns strengthen with repetition and we seek to approach the situation without becoming tense, but on alert, with a calmed spirit.

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To acquire this contact with ourselves in an efficient and productive way of self-knowledge, there are several paths. But perhaps one of the simplest would be body geometry. Aligning this body with a larger creation body is a good path, called "Asana" because the physical body appears simpler according to the work we do.

We hold a position, see and feel how it corresponds in terms balance, alignment, resistance, grounding, fluidity and others. And so we can step by step chart a path towards this opening and expansion.

However, when it comes to the emotional or mental body, it may be more complicated to understand the ideal sequence of the next movement. There are other factors to be studied and worked on until we can closely follow emotions and thoughts.

Therefore, I highly recommend self-understanding of the body through the body, since the physique interconnects others and in a healthy state promotes good distribution of energy and a good "rhythm" of life :)

The effect produced is proportional to the focus. The stronger and more concentrated the thought, the faster it will bear fruit.

Don't focus on the fruit, focus on the sap and complete development.

One for all and all for one

Good week to everyone. Drink water and stretch ;)


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