figs-A fruit close to and good for health

Hello everyone in The herbal hive community, today I would like to introduce to you a very close and available fruit all around us.That is the fig - a fruit that is both food and medicine. Do you know this? Fig tree has an average height of about 20m, leaves grow alternately, oval. Figs will grow in clusters that look very flat.When ripe, figs are dark red and very sweet to eat. In my place, figs are a type of food, although not very popular, but when combined with dishes, it is also very good.When I was a kid, I remember my mother used to salt figs for us to eat, make sweet and sour salad, braise with meat and fish......There are so many things to mention.

But did you know that figs have another use as a medicine.As far as I know, figs can treat diabetes, nourish the skin, treat hair loss, regulate blood pressure, fight constipation, ..... Lots of uses right?I know some remedies related to figs today I will guide you.

  1. Cure sore throat
    Let's dry a few figs then grind them into a fine powder. Blow directly into your throat. After a few days the effect will be very surprising.
  2. Cure constipation
    You eat 4-6 ripe figs per day, the effect is very quick.
  3. Cure lung cancer with figs 🥰🥰🥰
    This is great, isn't it? You can cook some figs with green tea and then drink that water continuously for many months and you will get the desired results.
    4.Treating gallstones and liver stones
    Let the figs dry completely, then boil them with water and drink daily. In two to three months you will be in good health
    Above are some of the benefits of figs that I would like to share with you. The things around you always bring wonderful things. I will make articles about medicinal plants to send to you. They are so useful and meaningful.
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