The Perfect Way To End The Day

It was, a hot day today. Too hot for April. This is meant to be the rainy month. But we haven't seen a drop, since December. Thanks to all the crazy spraying that has been happening in the sky.

I awoke, knowing that I had a lot on. With a few different places to be, as the day progressed.

First a few hours at work, caring for a friend, then market and from there home. Then I had a meeting, to organise the Live Stage, for the Love Pirates Festival that I'm helping with. Then home for an hour, before heading off to an Aerial Performance, that one of my girls was taking in.


A pretty full day, as you can see. Full, but also creative and fun. A huge leap forward, from the last few months, where I felt stagnate.

Things, have been flowing really well. As I have been given the opportunity to help set up different creative spaces and it feels really good.

Getting to hold singing circles and create healing spaces, so that we can support a beloved member of our community who needs our help right now.


As my day progressed, I felt the heat slow me down. I found an half hour where I could just be still at home and rest in between my busy schedule. It felt good to pause for a while. To take a whole to recharge, before I went to the aerial performance.

Which was amazing by the way. I experienced a very proud Mama moment, seeing my girl shine. She has really blossomed and it was great, to see her so confident in herself, as she wowed us all.


Afterwards, she went for a sleepover with her best friend and I walked home, on a route that took me past the river. It felt so good, to be next to flowing water.

I stood for a while enjoying the view around me, then I looked for a place where I could sit down, next to the water. Taking in the sights and sounds.
If you look closely at the above picture, you will see some goats grazing. It was so lovely to hear the sound of their bells, alongside the sound of the water rippling over the rocks.


I found the perfect spot, a rock that I could sit on, whilst I put my bare feet in the river. It felt so good. The water so beautifully fresh. I scooped some into my hands, so that I could splash it onto my face and head. My feet were very happy, as was I.

I sat there for a good hour, listening, Observing and finally taking out an apple to eat. Whilst the sun shone down on me and the water cleansed me. These are the moments, that really recharge me.

Getting to end my very productive day, with my feet in the water and my spirits high.



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