Getting Showered With Gifts - Living In Abundance


I've been getting up earlier than usual, as I started a new job as a carer, at the weekend. I'm looking after someone in town, for three hours in the morning. I must say ,I quite like walking the streets when they are empty, transforming what would usually be a bustling place, into a peaceful one.


It's still very dry here, but hopefully we will get some rainfall in the coming weeks. I've been on the lookout for a rain coat, as the one I had, no longer keeps me dry. (I have had it for over 20 years though.) It's not uncommon for people to leave unwanted items next to the bins here and low and behold, I found a really good quality one, waiting for me, just around this corner.


I do love how the universe provides for us, when we put what we want out there.
I have been enjoying my new job and as I start in the morning, I am finished before midday. Which means I get to Walk home, in time to have lunch with my girls. Today this beautiful white pony, was just happily munching some grass on the side of the road. He was quite friendly and happy to be stroked.


Ever since I moved, I love the walk home I have everything I cone to town which is a lot lately. This view of the mountains, makes me so happy and as I walk further and further down into the valley, I feel so at peace. There are some lovely wild spots down here and I still have some exoring to do. I've already made friends with some of the dogs down here. Especially s black a white male that runs out to greet me then accompanies me for a short while before turning back home.


I got home, greeted my girls and then began to make some lunch. Pasta, with mushrooms, red peppers and rocket. After that, I done some chores, whilst also reminding my girls to do theirs. Then a relieved a beautiful voice message, from a very dear friend of mine. She wanted me to come visit her, as she had something she wanted to gift me. And who does get excited when they hear, there is a gift waiting for them.

So late afternoon, I walked over to visit her, since I moved, I now live even closer to her. She lives on the most beautiful piece of land, called dragon land and I love to visit there.
As you can see from the photo above, she gifted me a bicycle. But not just any sort of bike, because this is an electric bike. I've never ridden one before, so it was a bit of an adventure when I first, tried it out.

This now means, I can zip in and out of town for work. I am so grateful to my friend, asvi have wanted one for a while, but couldn't afford one. But in the end the universe provides for me once again. What a day I have had!



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