Beltain Blessings

This is the time to celebrate fertility in its many forms. The fertile earth that we call our home and the fertile environments that we have the power to create around ourselves. And of course our fertile bodies. We are creators, we are manifestors. Stepping into that role, we become so much more intouch with who we are.


With our own needs and desires. Not the uses that we are told we need, but the ones we feel.

It's so important to create environments that help us maintain a positive mindset, environments that inspire us and help us grow. Fertile places, where we can sow the seeds of who we are. Where we feel free to express ourselves and step into our natural cycle of creation.

Which in itself, also takes on many forms. We each gave our gifts, that help us stay connected, but we need the right conditions, the right environment in which to explore and discover what they are. Gifts that we get to share with others, that we get to create celebrations around.


Today is Beltain. One of the four Cross Quarter Fire Fesitvals, in the old Celtic tradition. It is the celebration of the potency of life. When nature herself is bursting with life and vitality. We can hear it, see it and feel it.

The birdsong, the abundance if flowers, of animals, the earth herself is clothed in green. This is when her energies are must active, when our energies are most active.

This is the time to be active, to bring about any changes you want in your life.

To take walks in the forests, in the mountains, in the wild. Where you can really feel the potency of the life force. To connect with it, to embrace the wild within and without. It is a time of union. To honour the different parts of ourselves and of others. To focus on creating unity, instead of segregation.


To keep planting seeds and keep maintaining the perfect environment in which they can grow, within ourselves and within the earth around us. For we can not have one, without the other.

Happy Beltain everyone! Now tell me, what seeds you are planting?



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