self-sufficient in capers...

Dearest Gifted-and-Gifting Friends

I am officially, this year, self-sufficient in capers!

This is powerfully symbolic in so many ways... it builds on the wealth of my self-sufficiency in olives, and has built potent connections with neighbours and community.


I had a strong healing experience, with my immediate neighbour, who has disturbed my peace and privacy excessively over the past 12 years.... I 'confronted' her with heart wide open, in vulnerability, asking for gift from her: I inquired if perchance she might not be harvesting the capers from her incredible cascading bush outside her house... She responded more warmly and accomodating than I've e v e r seen her, and we had a beautiful - very constructive - chat....


I picked a nice basket-full, then reciprocated the gift, harvesting a big tub of mulberries that she loves.... She was super-happy!

The search for more capers, which are in full swing this month, took me further down the street too, and connected me with a bunch of Americans, and a local man who I've also had some challenging moments with: he welcomed me to pick from the oldest and most dramatic caper cascading plants, between the arches of the garden he bought a few years ago... It helps him, and me, and we all reconnected with multiple stories and local news, and gratitude at our freedom and our connection with Nature.

I came home rejuvenated, and rich in precious produce - despite not 'owning' any caper bushes myself! I love this aspect of Living In Gift, where we get to strengthen our vibrant threads in the fabric of the whole, by simply asking for what we need and want each day!

A few minutes boiling a kettle, sterilising old jars, and filling them up with capers, salt and vinegars - and another shelf is full of delicious ingredients for my blessed meals: not a penny or centessimo spent, and loads of stretching, comuning and pleasure!


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