Chosen Family: Finding Tribe and Cosmic Purpose


Dearest Friends,

I had a few days a week ago, which were super-blessed by the presence of the magnificent @anafae and @paradigmprospect, and AnaFae's mum and dad, passing through Guardia Sanframondi on their Italian Adventure... We met again in the mountains for a brilliant day and a half moving-through-gift together...


We have known each other for a good while via Hive, and this is the first ever time we got to resonate in the living mindbodyspirit... Where to begin, sharing what powerful catharsis, sacred affirmation, deep nourishment and overall splendid fun this was....!


As we parted - only for now, I hope! - I was moved to tears: such an upwelling of emotion around feeling such love and authenticity, truth and recognition in our communing, which reminded me of powerful workshops and spiritual work that I've done in my life: events that have transformed how I see myself and the world around me. My emotion felt natural and right; a release of immense tension of having to 'hold myself in' through times of NOT having people like this around me: both the relief of knowing these folks who I seem to be able to be many hundredfold times more-myself around - AND the letting go of the great weight of, essentially, feeling 'disapproved of' by almost everyone else.


Emotions like these are so beautiful, and they work like a magical spell realigning everything in my life: I remember a similar but-far-less-under-control moment, during a Findhorn (a big spiritual community in northeast Scotland) Experience Week, where we were a big group and doing games around sensory sensitivity - a full-body upwelling of the most intense emotional-energetic-psychic-memory-retrieval: everything bursting up and out of me like a mystical volcano. At that time it was impossible to either control or to make sense of: jsut a huge existential wave which floored me, and which took multiple years to gain equilibrium from.


This instead felt like the healthiest of gentle and quiet releases: being held by four balanced and whole people - who could reflect back to me so very clearly and kindly, where I am missing my strengths, and where I need to go all in with my spiritwork. All in right timing, following two days (with a couple of days between them) together eating, drinking, talking, swimming, camping, looking at houses. Our timelines, visions and life purpose running parallel and magically activating-reverberating-clarifying together.


One of the aspects that was most fun and revealing, was playing between three languages: English, German and Italian. We all have some grasp of each, and were able to help each other in this incredible unravelling of the connectedness of words, vibration and intention. Such insights and revelation! And such fun and playfulness: five adult humans who have free-up their time and energy, intention and vision - and who are sufficiently able to simply connect without egos or agendas: to just Be In Union and to co-create: each playing and growing the collective vibe, and sort of radiating this epic consciousness out around us. It felt like we could do anything, if we sit down and just say it out loud!


This helps a great deal with my Should I Stay Or Should I Go tussle in my heart and mind, in my days and my nights and my work and my pleasure: it is such a relief to instead of being like the black sheep outside the flock and field, to be a clear-minded grown-up human, simply doing what we are meant to do - Live Freely in Paradise on Earth, according to Natural Law and the Sacred Geometry Of All Things.


Moments like these, *just 2 x 24 hours, feeling like a month-long intensive training in alchemy. Though I slept on a hard earth surface in my SoulPad bell tent, drank coffee and alcohol, ate a lot of sugar and white bread, and had some extreme straining of my brain and energetic field in translating multiple language challenges - plus a long-ish drive home - I feel better than ever. All the ungroundedness that I usually would have from any one of the above excesses, is absent. I feel whole and new.


Partly this is the love, pouring between us all, partly the meeting of visions - which so many of us appear to be coming together with lately! - and partly the practical willingness to gravitate effortlessly towards what we collectively need in each moment because we are all sufficiently at ease in The Flow at all times. We went to see two properties that we've individually been activated by - and something freed up for all of us in our witnessing and exploring together. And then the final hour or so together: I led us all, in my wee Suzuki WagonR, down through the winding backroads of beautiful Molise, to my very favourite fountain. Our second watery immersion experience in two days.


After heat and dustiness and oppressive weirdness in the sky, heavy traffic on the SuperStrada and sweatily trying to find petrol (petrol stations in this part of the world regularly do not offer petrol); a post-siesta without even having had a siesta (sacrilege in south Italy!!) - we arrived at the natural country super-fountain and practically launched ourselves bodily into it! We filled every bottle and glass that we had between us - very many litres! - and washed off dust and sweat, thoroughly soaking our shoes and hair, rinsing clothing and allowing the icy-cold rushing waters to replenish all and every part of us which previously had been overwhelmed with a feeling of being baked-alive... A sacred ritual without planning or presumptions: just some living men and some living women, loving water and playing and cleaning with it and harvesting it - receiving these rich-issimi gifts from Nature, and letting the elements do everything that they are here to do for us: welcoming it all, and being satiated and gladdened, brightened greatly by it.


All that transpired these few days together seems to bring this profound sense of security in my Being. Which in turn makes me feel, finally, that my path is so very valid and worthwhile; it is VERY RIGHT that I am not stopping at leaving the system, or at being in opposition to the status quo and the numbed conscious of mainstream - full bodymindspiritcosmos YES to moving forwards and into multi-dimensionality - and INTO THE HARMONY of the wild cosmic together. Not having plans or timelines: simply naturally falling in together and allowing, facilitating the Sacred Everymoment to unfold, with us in it, with us as integral threads being thrummed by a cosmic hand... into a peeling bell, ringing silently, vibrationally, through the whole Universe, softly saturating all time and space and All That Is.


At least, that's what it feels like to me! It feels like these are the most potent of times, and that we blessed souls are taking our hallowed, heiliges herz place in this shifting fabric of Returning To Love. My gladness spills over and helps me readjust to the weighty everyday, which I know now is only temporary...

I would relish hearing your own thoughts or feelings around all of this... sending you love and good juju in these magical times!



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