Lakeside Reflections and more ...

Gooday folks.

Last weekend i and two work-exchanger's took a trip to the nearby lake. Actually it's man-made so strictly speaking it's a resevoir i guess, but no longer used as such.

We took a walk all the way round the lake (i guess it's about 3 or 4 kms), stopping on each side for a while to swim, meditate and sing. Yesterday i posted a short video of us singing the Long Time Sun Song beside the lake.

Click Here to watch and listen to the song.

Beautiful #reflections.

Stormy weather coming, so time to head for home.

With the Newly installed Rainwater Collection System, we were keen to see how much water was collected in the two 1,000 litre collection tanks. We were not disappointed. A week later we have caught approximately 1,000 litres of rainwater with which the garden is now being watered. :-)

Sat Nam

Ps. Did you read my two posts about why we should consider stocking up on staple foods? <--- Link to the first post is within this one.

All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

!HBIT #ecotrain #lotusoo #proofofbrain #palnet #matrix8 #PGM #OneUp #m8s #matrix8fixesthis #thoughtfuldailypost #vyb

Ps. Would you like to have some fun and help save the world while doing so?
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