Rain, Flowers,Fruits and more: Another Unexpected Wednesday Walk that Made Me Smile

Helo Hivers. I forgot it was Wednesday yesterday, and the last wednesday of 2021.

How are you all? Ipray you are all in the best of health and is having peace.

Let me share with you all this another unexpected walk of mine, and I am with my husband this time.

Early at work, we encountered a problem. The NIRs shut down and it won't open. So Paula called me, I was the one who encountered the same problem last time when she got quarantined being exposed to a covid-positive nephew of his. But I forgot what I did the last time. Then the maintenance supervisor said it was because of the dirt in the machine and blamed Paula for it. He did everything he can but did not work. then we remembered it could be updating its system and we left it as is.




At twelve, I decided to go home because I got so bored and wanted to go with my husband in buying empty bottles after a man called him to come and pick it up. We rode his side car and reached this place. Its a dam and the local water producer gets it from here, I wished I could get better pictures but there is a fence that is blocking me.

Huge trees are grown here to protect the edge of the soil too. Most of the trees grown here are mahogany trees.
One of the tree's roots went up revealing its enormity.
Not long after, three men went with us and guided us where the bottles are. we traveled fro about 8 minutes. I was never able to get pictures of them during the travel because it is risky.

When we arrived, I noticed this beautifull flower. the color is so vibrant and alive. It was located just beside the fence of a subdivision where my friend now lives. Then my husban told me, Yoi, this is Joan's husband's house, I have been here during our high school time.
i go hungry looking at this fruit. Though its not edible. Some people call it a money tree or fortune plant and believe that you will get luck financially when you are given this plant.
The men are getting ready to pick the bottles. I thought they are gonna help my husband but didn't, so I volunteered. We bought it 1 peso per bottle and it has a total of 560 pieces.

Before I sit down to count the bottles, I snapped this beautiful flower. I guess it is wild because it grew with the grass.
Then came what I feared: rain. My husband told me to find a place to stay when the rain showers came, but he continued on counting .
I went under the Mansanitas tree but the rain got heavier and so we went to the nearest house from us. Good thing they have an open area and we were like wet chickens resting there.
This is their mini dirty kitchen, but I guess it was not being used for a long time already.

The rain is really heavy and it caused a flood in the place. It was like a catch basin here because its lower than the rest of the place




When the rain receded, I caught a glimpse of the village's reservoir.

And another flower that is new to my eyes. The next picture is it's family. They looked like a grass but has a beautiful flower

After being done in the transaction, we paid the man but he did not have change. So I followed him and my husband went ahead.

Beside the road are beautiful flowers so I took a snap of them.
Oooh and Chayote too.
After some snap, I saw my husband stop because a sack of bottles fell from his side car. It's a good thing that nothing broke.
These ar the flowers that I said above.







Back on the highway, I saw these bikers having fun. Its an uphill ride so their feet must have been tired.
We are going slow back home then my husband noticed something in the side and so he looked for a vulcanizing shop. upon reaching, we realized that it was flat for a long time already fo the lock to be removed from tne rubber.

Here is my husbnad putting the jack on.
But the vulcanizer was not happy with what he do and did it again.
The estimated vulcanizing time was about 20 minutes and so I looked for a place to sit.

A young man, he may be learning the business , vulcated a very small bike, and seeing that the bike has an interior rubber, I was so amazed by it
Then a van of a Hijab-wearing woman asked my husband where Malaybalay is, but unfortunately, they have to go back because they followed the wrong way.
This is the wheel's interior. the part where the air is introduced is now gone.
My husband pointed these delicious looking fruits just in front of the vulcanizing shop. They are like berries but is very small. the purple looking one is the sweetest nad the pale ones are sour. i took a bunch to bring to my children. When we aiirved at home, the kids had fun eating it.



Not long after, we are back on the road and had laughs on what happened earlier.

So this is my unexpected walk with my husband and I wished I could record everything that had happened that day. It feels so good to be a team and we have the same goals, and this surely made me smile.
Thank you for stopping by

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