Czak's Birthday: Failed cake, barbecues and more

It's just 2 am and I am wide awake already: and I am guessing it it was my excitement to share the story or I got hyper because of the sweets that I had earlier today.

It's my son's 3rd birthday and we had some preparations to celebrate it. Oh, time flies so fast; I did not notice it to move at all. It felt like three years was just a blink of an eye and it was only yesterday when I gave birth to him.

I should have waited In the morning to make a post after I could transfer the photos from my sister's phone to mine But I guess I don't have to wait.

Though there are lots of failures in the preparation, still it wa a wonderful birthday and he said he was happy when I asked him and I am happy too.

We only had a little budget for the event and my husband and I decided that we allocate 2,000 pesos (around 35Usd) and nothing more. I used to think that 20usd will do but due to inflation, it will definitely not be enough.

The request

Our eldest daughter requested to do "camping" that's what she calls grilling marshmallows maybe because the one she saw in cocomelon videos, the family was camping while grilling those.

The cravings

And lately, we are buying barbecues from the street vendors for viand and most of the time, the kids appetite is well and I always end up wishing we had more.

The preparation

The day before his birthday, my sister told my husband to buy meat early in the morning when it was still fresh and we will have lots of time to marinate. She said the longer we marinate it, the more delicious it will be and she is right.

That night, when I arrived from my work, sliced the meat thinly and it took me a while to finish it and I fried milk fish in between. The oil was splashing form everywhere and my mother told to add flour on the oil and coat the rest of the fish. It worked! Now I know the secret on how ot be afraid of flying oil while frying food.

We then marinated the meat; we made a paste using onions, garlic, soysauce and lemon and added them to the meat. Also, a pack of barbecue mix was added. To make the meat a bit sweet, we added sugar and of course, salt and pepper to taste.

The big day

On Czak's big day, I went home early from work as early as 2 pm leaving some of my work for the next day.

a taste test

When I arrived home, I was very hungry already because I did not take my lunch at noon break. So I fried some meat that was marinated and eat. My husband and I had a good laugh at it and we called it fried barbecue. It was good though.

I put the meat into sticks and it took me almost an hour to finish. I made 76 barbecue in a stick in total.

Business plan

My sister and made some calculations on the costing and possible income just incase our plan of selling barbecues will be realized. I hope it will be one day. Selling food gives a good profit afterall.

My mother had a rooster too! She asked my husband tonsalughter it and they made chicken soup. It was an old rooster so they slowly cooked it from 2pm and I am glad it was tender when dinner came.


On the other hand, my husband did the grilling. My sister bought a grill from te City and oh, I m very happy that her laboratory results are just fine.

At dinner, my uncle who is a pastor thanked for thr food and blessed my son. We had dinner after rhus prayers and we all had a great feast.

The food was simple ; I was even worried about the rice if it would be enough for everyone and I thanked God it did!

Failed cake

For the dessert, we served cake. My sister baked this the night before. Sadly, her icing was what do you call this... Slouchy, I guess? She said that a very small eggyolk was mixed with the egg whites when she was making the meringue resulting to this.

She made another batch two hours before dinner and this time it is perfectly done.

@pjprincess taught me on what to design the cake with and I gladly followed her. Too bad I put it on the edge resting major landslides!

And everyone was laughing at this.

But aside from the that, the cake tastes very delicious.

Request granted!

After dinner, my eldest daughter's request was granted. She, along with her siblings and cousins grilled the mallows and they had a great time. In fact they didn't stop until the marshmallows is gone.

The thought of grilling some for me ahead of time was a great idea afterall.

DIY Tarp

And oh, I forgot. I made my son "tarpapel" a tarp that is made from paper. I used Microsoft publisher to print the picture in a bigger size and used scotchtapes to shape it into one.
That decoration behind it was from my niece's birthday and was not removed yet.

Czak's birthday is great and we are all very happy to the life given to him form above an d that alone is so much to be thankful for.

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