Tim burton’s corpse bride: Review


I like watching movie series. I watch all English, Thai, Filipino, Indian, Chinese movies. Cartoons are also my favourite. “Tim burton’s corpse bride” is one of my favourite cartoon. The cartoon is a fantasy and musical genre released in 2005. The main characters in the cartoon are ‘Emily’ ‘Victor’ and ‘Victoria’ .

At the beginning of the cartoon, the parents of a girl named ‘Victoria’ were preparing to marry ‘Victoria’ to a boy from fish seller family named ‘Victor’ so that they could have a rich and beautiful life for their.


Even after three hours of rehearsal marriage vows, Victor could not say for sure. He accidentally burned Victoria mother’s clothes. The pastor said that the wedding would continue only if Victor could speak well of marriage vows.
Victor made a lot of mistakes and left the city sadly. Outside the city, he practiced rehearing a wedding vows and wore a ring on a dry branch. The dry branch was Emily’s finger buried under a walnut tree outside the city. Emily accepts the victor’s promise and drags the Victor down to the underworld. What will happen to Victor in the underworld?


After Victor’s disappearance, Victoria’s parents married Victoria to a man named Barkis. What happens when Victor and Emily come to earth to get married? How are Emily and Barkis related?


In this cartoon, I like Emily’s words that “ I love you but you are not mine.” Sometime In real life , we want it, but we give up. This cartoon lasts only an hour and 18minutes . If you haven’t seen this cartoon yet, you should try it.

@winelay 🍇

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