🍃Picking acacia concinna leaves from my small garden to make a salad🍃

Hello my loving Asean Hive community,

Welcome back to my garden new post. In the past, I always talked about the plants from my small garden. About 4 days ago, I told you about starting to grow mustard leaves in my small garden. Today I will tell you about how I picked some vegetables from my small garden with my father.

What is the weather like in your area? The area where I live is a mountainous area, so it is not as hot as other areas. However, this year is hotter than previous years. Although the weather is hot, it only rains once every 2 days, so it is comfortable to live in, and it is also very convenient for the plants. Before the weather got too hot this morning, my father and I picked some vegetables from the garden together.

The leaves I picked today are acacia concinna leaves. In my small garden, I planted a total of 5 plants of that type. Among those 5 trees, one of the biggest trees is 5 years old. Our Burmese people often use these leaves to make soup as well as salad. The taste is very good when mixed with fish.

The picture of that leaf is described above. If the leaves are still young, the leaves are slightly red and drooping. When mature, the leaves are similar to tamarind leaves. And it has a sour taste just like the tamarind leaves. Although the fruit is a little similar to tamarind, they do not eat that fruit. Acacia concinna fruit is used to make shampoo in our country.

We eat these leaves when they are tender and slightly red. When it's ripe, we don't eat it anymore and use it as fertilizer. This is because the leaves become hard when they mature. Therefore, we usually pick those leaves after they are about 4 days old. That's why when I pick these leaves, I can pick them to the point where there are only branches. The more these leaves are picked, the easier it is to grow new ones, so there is no need to worry about the plant dying.

Today I will use these leaves to make a salad. I will share how to make a salad using this salad at a later date. Above are the pictures of the acacia concinna leaves I picked today and pictures from my small garden. That's it for today. Thank you very much for reading my post to the end. Bye Bye. See you in the next post.

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