Trying To Eat Clean Food

Hi Asean Buddies...

What do you prefer? Clean food or heavy food?

Consider my health, I started to preparing the clean food as breakfast and my dinner. Actually, I look up to people which consistent to eat clean food to keep their body healthy. I have an envy about people who keep the healthy life, so I starting to follow them.

The Clean Food

Nowadays, Clean Eat become a trend in social media. It is a solution for people which has over weight or a situation of health disease. In my case, I just want to start eat clean food just because I already eat 'unclean food' since I am young. So, that is way I think I need clean food.

Today, I wake up on the morning. I went to a traditional market and bought Potatoes, Mustard, Pok choy, Broccoli, and Carrots. I prepared all of them for a week. All of them, I purchased around IDR 38.000 Rupiah.

After cleaning all the ingredients, I choose what vegetables I will eat today. I choose Potatoes, Carrots, Mustard, and egg. Then I boil all of them and tada... This is my breakfast.

I wish, by trying this Clean Food I get my body is strong, fresh, and healthy. Of course I have to consistent to eat those Clean Food with minimum 3 times on the week and doing exercise also. Since my schedule to work are morning shift, I can handle my sleep time for not sleep late and wake up early morning.

I can feel the benefit from wake up on early morning. I can do my domestic work, preparing my breakfast and lunch, the I still take a nap one or two hours before duty, if I am on afternoon shift.

Lunch Box

I boiled my breakfast menu more than my portion so I still can took the leftover for my lunch. Today I am on afternoon shift and I cook more for my dinner. I wrapped that all on my new lunch box. I eat that with hand made sauce.

My hand made sauce for my dinner is the sauce for marination. They are:
Chilie Sauce, Oyster Sauce, Black pepper sauce, Salty Soy Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Salt, Mushroom broth, and MSG.

This is my first day trying clean food. I hope I can consistent to consuming the clean food as my healthy life. All my life already eat random food, unclean and full of sugar, so it is my time to reducing that bad lifestyle slowly.

Even though I still drink a coffee, I tried my best to not drink others but mineral water or coffee.

How about you?

Thanks in advance, to read my blog and hope you like my post!
See you...

Vivie Hardika

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.

Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author.

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